Post-reflection #006

Smart Question #0095

  • Discoverer/ submitter: infinite/USA

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.25-17:09GMT

  • Question: It is known that only the minds of a minority come close to the truth, how does the TAP model calibrate the error of the majority?

TAP Response #0095

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.26-13:11GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.26-14:04GMT

  • Response:

    • By what authority is truth known?

    • TAP eliminates error several ways:

      • 1) Priorities ALL logical possibility

      • 2) Separates agreement from disagreement

      • 3) Separates positive agreement from negative agreement

        • Negative agreement = error

      • 4) Filters and utilities Deep Thought Leader (DTL) input

        • - more than other possible input

      • 5) Inability to establish different identities and different voices in different groups.

        • One person has only one identity and one voice -

          • duplicated everywhere.

    • TAP makes the assumption that the great majority of humans mirror others,

      • so the majority voice will emerge as the best thought of the DTLs.

    • DTLs emerge within each TAPgroup,

      • so different groups and groupings can have different voices of what is possible truth.

    • So the TAP tool MUST be used -

      • by referencing exactly who makes up the 'authorship group' of the voice being presented.

    • In the end -

      • it's up to the info consumer,

        • who has 100% control,

          • as to who, they feel provides the best deep thought -

            • for the particular info sought.

Smart Question #0096

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.26-21:10GMT

  • Question: What's TAP got to say about pretending?

TAP Response #0096

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.26-21:10GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.26-21:10GMT

  • Response:

    • Pretending is great when actively exploring the imagination and alternative possibility.

    • It's also useful,

      • to a point,

        • when dealing with the difficulties of daily life.

    • Like pretending that we are enjoying an otherwise unpleasant situation -

      • to makes the hosts feel better -

        • or to make our partner feel better.

    • But pretending should NOT be used -

      • when creating important information.

    • For important info -

      • ONLY honesty and truth -

        • should be used.

    • So there is a place for pretending in the real world -

      • just NOT in important info -

        • UNLESS -

          • it's clearly stated that pretending helps establish -

            • better context for the case.