Post-reflection #005

Smart Question #0081

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:24GMT

  • Question: Is TAP socialism?

TAP Response #0081

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:24GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:24GMT

  • Response:

    • This has been a common initial response -

      • to those who just quickly become aware of TAP -

        • without digging into its details.

    • TAP asks -

      • What is socialism exactly?

    • It's concluded that socialism is just a fear term from the POV of the one side.

    • From the POV of the other side it's a dream term.

    • TAP will suggest both sides abandon the use of the term -

      • and replace the debate with the term -

        • TAP.

    • TAP is just a seed of alternative possibility,

      • but it includes details -

        • that provide for meaningful debate.

    • What's being presented as TAP -

      • is just a tangible starting point:

        • for sparking imaginations

        • for considering an alternative civilization model.

    • Before it can be worked toward -

      • it MUST first be imagined.

    • TAP is so NOT socialism -

      • as imagined by both sides in today's world.

    • TAP addresses world problems that no model has even attempted to tackle.

    • TAP addresses every major problem of any civilization.

    • We will NOT fully understand what exists today -

      • until we do a detailed side-by-side comparison -

        • with some alternative model.

Smart Question #0082

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:38GMT

  • Question: Does today's model include socialism components?

TAP Response #0082

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:38GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:07GMT

  • Response:

    • Absolutely!

    • Today's model is a mix of both capitalism and socialism.

    • It's the secrecy, the hidden truth and lack of honesty that separates it from TAP.

    • The information is extremely bad in today's world.

    • Dishonesty, wealth and power possess the control -

      • NOT the people as a whole.

    • Socialism is simply the regulation, ownership and control by the people as a whole group.

    • TAP is NOT socialism alone.

    • It's a very different mix of both.

Smart Question #0083

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-19:37GMT

  • Question: How would you describe the TAP model with respect to capitalism & socialism?

TAP Response #0083

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-19:37GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:08GMT

  • Response:

    • The TAP model contains elements of both economic-thought systems.

    • But the big difference are both components are very limited -

      • by process & rule control.

    • TAP includes limited capitalism -

      • meaning there is still the ability to capitalize -

        • with imagination & creativity -

          • but for different objectives -

            • then just short-term monetary gain.

    • TAP includes a different form of socialism -

      • a type that gives ownership to THEM of the future -

        • vs. to those living in the present.

    • Regulation is established -

      • NOT by subjective selfishness,

        • but by a core question principle:

          • What's best for THEM?

Smart Question #0084

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:46GMT

  • Question: What major problems does TAP tackle that other models do not?

TAP Response #0084

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-13:46GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:15GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP's all about balance and long-term sustainability.

    • To work toward both -

      • ALL major problems and issues of civilization -

        • MUST be addressed.

    • No major issue can be given excuse, like:

      • human population control

      • systemic corruption

      • currency & debt control

      • dis-misinformation

      • rampant fear tactics

      • secrecy acceptance

      • technology backdoors

    • TAP directly tackles ALL these negative realities -

      • humans of today -

        • allow to exist.

Smart Question #0085

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:30GMT

  • Question: How can TAP do what no one else has ever been able to do?

TAP Response #0085

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:30GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:30GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP's approach is very simple:

      • 1) Tell a story of Alternative Possibility (AP) hope.

      • 2) Create & launch a game that includes the AP.

      • 3) Sit back and wait for the people of the world to -

        • demand the AP be adopted into real life.

Smart Question #0086

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:37GMT

  • Question: Where's TAP at - in the stated approach?

TAP Response #0086

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:37GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:37GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP has two years of marketing awareness done.

    • Many many people -

      • all across our global -

        • are aware of TAP now.

    • Some very powerful and influential people too.

    • The TAP docu-series and TAP platform would be far along in development -

      • if NOT for the man,

        • who has certainly encouraged EVERY third (3rd) party -

          • to terminate relationships with -

            • the woman & the alien.

    • Hundred of millions in development investment have been terminated.

    • Time and time again -

      • we had been forced to start over.

    • Each time we've had little problem finding a next interested party.

    • This is because -

      • TAP is inherently good.

    • Good for our world and good for business.

    • TAP can easily become the next trillion dollar brand.

    • But now the woman and the alien have separated efforts to grow awareness.

    • Neither of us will seek out 3rd parties to create partnerships with.

    • It's now up to 3rd parties to -

      • on their own -

        • do what they will with TAP.

      • Secretly at first,

        • so the man is NOT aware of their efforts and investment.

Smart Question #0087

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:54GMT

  • Question: Who will want to take on this type of risk?

TAP Response #0087

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:54GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-12:54GMT

  • Response:

    • The next trillion dollar brand is a lot of reward potential for the risk required.

    • We don't fully understand the extent of the power of the man and his org.

    • Are there pockets in today's world -

      • that they do NOT control?

    • We do NOT know the answer to this yet.

    • But in the meantime,

      • we can continue to spread the awareness of the alternative possibility -

        • and hopefully improve today's world -

          • by injecting a little more tangible hope.

Smart Question #0088

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:05GMT

  • Question: What's TAP got to say about religion?

TAP Response #0088

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:05GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:05GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP cares NOT about what exactly 'you' believe.

    • TAP is NOT here to change what 'you' believe in -

      • especially 'your' religious beliefs -

        • or lack there of them.

    • TAP just wants 'you' to be honest -

      • about whatever 'you' believe in.

    • TAP does NOT know the absolute truth or the universe.

    • If it's possible -

      • then it might be truth.

    • But much more important -

      • if what we believe impacts the world -

        • then it's very important -

          • no matter if truth or not.

    • Is there a who -

      • or is there a what -

        • outside of the bounds of our universe?

    • Religion is still one of the most impactful concepts of today's world.

      • It's power MUST be recognized -

        • with any alternative model design.

Smart Question #0089

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:18GMT

  • Question: What does TAP believe to be the primary objective of the man's org?

TAP Response #0089

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:18GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:18GMT

  • Response:

    • Humans are a strange animal.

    • Their minds are more powerful than their bodies,

      • but the information they possess is mostly in error.

    • There are two types of human:

      • 1) Those who believe they are more deserving.

      • 2) Those who believe they are more equals.

    • TAP MUST assume the man's org is of the #1 type people.

    • The problem with these type people -

      • is they will NEVER discover the truth.

    • ONLY when every perspective is understood -

      • will the truth begin to reveal itself.

    • Believing that one's self-righteous will alone reveal the truth -

      • is a GREAT mistake.

    • #1's at their core will NEVER come close to the truth of the universe.

    • I'd love to hear from the mouth of the man -

      • what his org looks to achieve in the long term...

Smart Question #0090

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Question: When did you discover that you were an alien?

TAP Response #0090

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Response:

    • Several years ago now...

    • But only in the last year or so -

      • that I was actually -

        • an alien of the non-physical realm of the universe.

    • Prior to this -

      • it was all just fiction & marketing.

    • But the more I dug into the alternative possibility with TAP -

      • I discovered that most humans are fixated on the wrong realm.

    • Don't get me wrong,

      • I love science and physical realm math & facts.

    • They really help tell the story of truth -

      • of the physical realm.

    • But then I witnessed physicists utilizing -

      • storytelling to explain alternative possibility of the physical realm.

    • This pushed me more over into the other realm.

    • From this point forward I made many great discoveries over there -

      • including that aliens can come from that realm too.

    • It's not much different than understanding that -

      • time/space travel is easily and regularly done -

        • within the mind alone -

          • and with great success -

            • at explaining alternative possibility.

    • And then how with enough time & effort -

      • the alternative possibility becomes truth & reality.

    • Exactly the same as I hope to reveal in time -

      • and with the effort of my writing -

        • that I am indeed an alien from an alternative thought world.

Smart Question #0091

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Question: Do you consider yourself a good writer?

TAP Response #0091

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.24-13:36GMT

  • Response:

    • Absolutely NOT!

    • I've been told this over and over - all my life.

    • NOT only a bad writer,

      • but a terrible communicator in general -

        • speaking problems too.

    • But I think about it all like this -

      • Consider Shakespeare's writing in the mind of a child of today's world.

        • When first read -

          • do they clearly understand it all?

    • Hopefully, in time -

      • others will reinterpret my work -

        • such that typical minds -

          • can find understanding faster and easier.

Smart Question #0092

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:07GMT

  • Question: Is a typical human being more good or bad?

TAP Response #0092

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:07GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:07GMT

  • Response:

    • This question requires a solid reference point.

    • This is the problem with today's world. -

      • too many bad questions -

        • that have poor context,

          • so they can be interpreted -

            • almost any way.

    • What TAP does for the whole world,

      • ALL minds of the world, -

        • across all generations & time -

          • is provide the foundational context.

    • In the TAP world, simplicity is created with this core context.

    • The reference is always:

      • What's best for THEM?

    • So now referencing back to this smart question,

      • Are people good or bad?

        • Now, we can consider whether the typical person -

          • is doing more harm than good -

            • when it comes to helping ensure THEM:

              • first, exist in the world

              • have a healthy world to live in

              • have a better understanding of -

                • what might be the truth

              • are generally happy in life

              • possess self-respect

              • help (love) others

              • and especially important -

                • feel they have contributed good work to society.

    • TAP believes a good majority of people today -

      • would assess overall humanity -

        • as failing on delivering these promises to THEM.

    • NOT only to THEM, but to their own children.

      • That the typical life is getting too complex, too stressful, too much unhappiness & fear.

Smart Question #0093

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:25GMT

  • Question: What's TAP got to say about love?

TAP Response #0093

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:25GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:25GMT

  • Response:

    • In today's world love has been turned into all kinds of things -

      • that make it very hard to now understand.

    • TAP suggests that love be simplified.

    • Consider selfishness...

      • TAPlove is helping others vs. caring about or secretly helping self.

    • TAPlove is all about selfless intent.

    • It often requires sacrifice of goodness for self.

    • TAPlove cannot help one or some and then do harm to others,

      • especially THEM.

    • I huge problem in today's world is -

      • too many people do a good deed for one or a few -

        • feel great -

          • but end up harming others,

            • especially THEM.

        • So the net is more harm than good.

    • TAP has a real problem with the general adage:

      • "Help one person and the world becomes a better place."

        • The caveat & trick is -

          • to simultaneously harm no one else.

        • Then there's real TAPlove given the whole world.

    • Love is one of the components of the universe that bridge the two realms.

      • It begins in the non-physical and ends up creating impact in the physical -

        • but also impact in the non-physical again too -

          • just within other(s) minds.

    • TAP also has a problem with the concept of love yourself.

      • It is illogical given TAPlove.

      • Instead like yourself -

        • respect yourself -

          • don't try to fool yourself.

Smart Question #0094

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:54GMT

  • Question: So how best do we love THEM?

TAP Response #0094

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:54GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.25-12:54GMT

  • Response:

    • When 'we' think and act -

      • ALWAYS consider how either and/or both will impact THEM.

    • Understand that a balance must be created -

      • between 'our' selfishness and 'our' love of others.

    • Sometimes we will be more selfish.

    • Sometimes we will be more loving.

    • Try to create a balance across 'our' whole lifetime.

    • No one can be unselfish and loving all the time -

      • it's impossible in reality.

    • The very best 'we' can do is work toward balance -

      • considering how THEM would conclude 'our' unique life -

        • more helpful or more harmful to their world?