Post-reflection #004

Smart Question #0070

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:23GMT

  • Question: Explain further, TAP's concept of process-based AI?

TAP Response #0070

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:23GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:23GMT

  • Response:

    • It's simply,

      • to give foundational control to THEM of the future vs. having us,

        • of the present,

          • have the ultimate control -

            • over what happens next.

    • The solution recognizes that human beings are currently -

      • inherently selfish beings.

    • The solution hypothesizes -

      • that TAP group voice -

        • will serve THEM better -

          • than any special-interest group -

            • structured upon -

              • the hierarchical leadership model.

    • TAP group voice is very different than -

      • the voice of the crowd.

    • Ultimately, TAP group voice reflects the understanding of:

      • scientists

      • engineers

      • mathematicians

      • creatives

      • futurists

      • problem solvers.

    • Today's model reflects the voices of:

      • profiteers

      • egotists

      • the self-righteous

      • liers

      • the most selfish.

Smart Question #0071

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:42GMT

  • Question: Is the TAP world, in practice, a world created by scientists, engineers & creatives?

TAP Response #0071

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:42GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22-14:42GMT

  • Response:

    • Yes.

    • Versus by wealth, power, ego & misinformation,

      • like is the case today.

Smart Question #0072

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22-17:41GMT

  • Question: Are these science-based people TAP's Deep Thought Leaders?

TAP Response #0072

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22-17:41GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22-17:41GMT

  • Response:

    • Yes.

    • In the TAP world,

      • Deep Thought Leaders, DTLs, are even more separated from the negative influences of money.

    • This because it's extremely difficult -

      • and next to impossible,

        • to bribe anyone.

    • Science, honesty & truth rule the day in the TAP world.

Smart Question #0073

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:41GMT

  • Question: How do people get/make money in the TAP world?

TAP Response #0073

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:41GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:41GMT

  • Response:

    • Three ways:

      • 1) Everyone gets the exact same TAPstipend at the the alpha of each cycle.

      • 2) Some people will receive additional money thru TAPgifting.

      • 3) Some people will earn additional money -

        • by doing the necessary 'highly-valued work' of society.

Smart Question #0074

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:48GMT

  • Question: How much is the TAPstipend?

TAP Response #0074

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:48GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:48GMT

  • Response:

    • It does not matter what exactly the stipend is.

    • All that matters is -

      • it's consistent across all generations & time.

    • The stipend amount also sets the total amount of currency in the world for the cycle -

      • because the new 'gold standard' in the TAP world is -

        • the total number of independent citizens of the world -

          • in the particular cycle.

    • E.g. every independent person could get one (1) million TAP$s.

      • The total amount of currency is thus =

        • 1,000,000 * N

          • where N = total number of living independent citizens

Smart Question #0075

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:57GMT

  • Question: Then, what about the gifting and work earnings?

TAP Response #0075

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:57GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-11:57GMT

  • Response:

    • Both come from economic activity with the basis TAPstipend cycle currency.

    • Meaning:

      • both are components of the how people spend the limited global currency.

    • Everything money based in the cycle -

      • happens with the basis TAPstipend total currency.

    • There is much monetary activity each cycle,

      • but across each cycle time period the currency diminishes -

        • and always diminishes to zero (0) by the omega.

Smart Question #0076

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:10GMT

  • Question: Who are the independence people that get the TAPstipend?

TAP Response #0076

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:10GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:10GMT

  • Response:

    • TAPindependence is a new solution that defines maturity in the TAPworld.

    • It's a title that MUST be earned.

    • It does NOT come with age.

    • Three (3) out of four (4) special independent minds of the world -

      • determine if and when a subject mind has attained maturity.

    • The independent subjective assessments are based on -

      • proven understanding and accomplishment of -

        • several objective TAPworld life things.

    • With the independence title -

      • the parents become financially unburdened from their physical offspring.

    • And the newly titled citizen begins to receive the TAPstipend -

      • the next cycle.

Smart Question #0077

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:27GMT

  • Question: Please, explain TAPgifting more in detail?

TAP Response #0077

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:27GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:27GMT

  • Response:

    • TAPgifting is simply -

      • the act of giving away,

        • with no strings attached,

          • a piece of 'your' TAPstipend.

    • It's the ONLY mechanism -

      • for how TAPops get startup capital.

    • TAPgifting can be given to groups or individuals.

    • It's how:

      • achievement is rewarded

      • financial help is given

      • thanks are expressed with money.

Smart Question #0078

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Question: What's a TAPop?

TAP Response #0078

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Response:

    • A TAPop is a TAPgroup that declares they are a commercial venture.

      • Commercial venture meaning they will produce something -

        • with the intent to sell it.

    • TAPops are the ONLY form of business entity group in the TAPworld.

    • This is NOT to say that an individual cannot earn money on their own.

Smart Question #0079

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Question: Please, explain more of how an individual can earn more money?

TAP Response #0079

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:35GMT

  • Response:

    • Individuals can earn more money than the base TAPstipend by:

      • 1) Receiving TAPgifting.

      • 2) Working for a TAPop -

        • and earning a portion of the net revenue.

    • Re #1 -

      • imagine an independent artist -

        • who might receive a monetary gift of thanks for the music they created -

          • and freely shared with the world.

    • Re #2 -

      • imagine an electricity utility TAPop -

        • and the individuals that work -

          • to deliver electricity to a local community.

Smart Question #0080

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:50GMT

  • Question: How does a TAPop pay its workers?

TAP Response #0080

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:50GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23-12:50GMT

  • Response:

    • Very differently than how companies pay workers in today's world.

    • TAPops do NOT utilize hierarchical leadership,

      • so there is no one with more power than anyone else in the TAPop.

    • Every TAPop member has an equal voice in dividing up the net revenue.

    • Very different than how business works in today's world -

      • net revenue is established at the alpha of the cycle.

      • Meaning everyone knows what they will earn before the cycle begins.

      • This aligns with the core principle of TAP -

        • that there does NOT exist the concepts of future money.

    • Every surviving TAPop that makes it into the next cycle -

      • knows that it's money will allow it to survive that cycle.

    • TAPops automatically dissolve -

      • if and when -

        • financial budgeting cannot be resolved.

    • Bottomline -

      • Every TAPop member provides input for each cycle -

        • and each helps determine how exactly -

          • ALL money will be spent and divided.

    • Almost always -

      • it's the exact same way and solution.

    • So though a particular worker may not -

      • be making the same amount each cycle -

        • they know they're getting the same split share.

    • It's then left up to the worker to determine -

      • when to exit the TAPop -

        • because the extra earning is no longer worth the time.