Post-reflection #003

Smart Question #0058

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -15:42GMT

  • Question: What does TAP see as the main pillars of any intelligence-based civilization?

TAP Response #0058

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -15:59GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-15:59GMT

  • Response:

    • Imagine a single pillar beneath three (3) other pillars.

    • The base pillar is important information.

    • The other three are:

      • Economy

      • Governance

      • Education

    • Everything sits atop truthful info and understanding.

    • If these contain error -

      • then everything else contains error -

        • and will create:

          • imbalance

          • unsustainability

          • and outcomes that are less than what is best.

    • There's NO perfect -

      • when it comes to the complexity of a whole civilization.

    • Perfection existed before intelligence emerged.

    • It's ironic that intelligence is given the meaning it has,

      • for intelligence of a civilization is more about the non-intelligence it possesses.

Smart Question #0059

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -16:10GMT

  • Question: How does TAP define & assess intelligence?

TAP Response #0059

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -16:10GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-16:10GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP has discovered that intelligence is perhaps best assessed -

      • on a continuum that measures selfishness.

    • TAP sees every physical object and component of the universe -

      • at any instant in time -

        • sitting at some point along a linear spectrum.

    • For some objects -

      • across time -

        • the position can change.

    • Object intelligence is NOT necessarily static.

    • At one end of the line,

      • let's say left,

        • is 100% selfishness -

      • at the other end,

        • right,

          • is 100% unselfishness.

    • Many objects sit at or very near the far left hand end.

    • NO physical objects of the entire universe sit at the right hand end.

Smart Question #0060

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -16:24GMT

  • Question: Where does the typical human being sit on the intelligence scale?

TAP Response #0060

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -16:24GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-16:24GMT

  • Response:

    • The typical human being sits left of center -

      • more than half way the distance to the left end.

    • Humanity intelligence is evolving.

    • It's NOT evolving to the right hand end point though.

    • Instead only to the midpoint of the scale.

    • This being the balancing point,

      • for the universe only seeks balance.

    • We cannot be more unselfish than selfish.

    • The best we can do is to balance the two (2.)

    • Human life itself is this challenge -

      • to help self vs. to help others and sacrifice self-interest.

    • But others are NOT just family, friends, community and nation.

    • TAP teaches that others MUST be THEM of the distant future.

    • So intelligence assessment -

      • has to do with how we think and act -

        • toward helping to ensure a good future world.

    • Today's world focuses on self-interest.

    • This is why the typical human is so far left of center.

Smart Question #0061

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -18:51GMT

  • Question: What's the connection between intelligence and civilization?

TAP Response #0061

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -18:51GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-18:51GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP believes the universe exists to tell the story of truth.

    • Human civilization exists to provide the human POV.

    • TAP also believes that humans are NOT the only ones in the universe -

      • with advanced intelligence capable of co-creating the whole truth story.

    • Every different perspective is required to get to the truth.

    • Civilizations continuously evolve forward and backward -

      • depending on many factors -

        • natural and intelligent-being manufactured.

    • The universe and worlds are always changing in time.

    • The passing along of information,

      • be it in the natural world record,

        • like DNA or cosmic waves,

      • or in historical record,

        • like oral or written story,

      • are how the truth story gets told.

    • It's the latter of the two (2),

      • where intelligence is necessary.

    • So civilization is necessary to discover the former and to record the latter.

    • To contribute to the overall story being co-created in the universe.

    • It's NOT necessary for humanity to survive in the universe -

      • to continue the work of the universe.

    • The story work will continue -

      • if humanity kills off itself.

    • But it should be our objective to ensure that humanity does add its perspective to the overall story.

Smart Question #0062

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -19:18GMT

  • Question: Why's selfishness important to understand and focus on?

TAP Response #0062

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -19:18GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-21:27GMT

  • Response:

    • If we are too selfish then we will NOT survive.

    • Humanity cannot just assume that tomorrow will come for it.

      • Instead ifuture survival must be planned for and worked for.

    • Many will argue that humanity has been through tougher times before -

      • and has always come back stronger than before.

    • TAP will attempt to relay a different truth -

      • that NEVER before has humanity been faced with:

        • 1) a human population size and rate of increase -

          • like it has today

        • 2) physical resource reserves -

          • as diminished as they are today

        • 3) wastefulness & destruction of the biosphere -

          • as Capitalism encourages

        • 4) disinformation proliferation & misunderstanding acceleration -

          • as exists today.

    • These factors in the extremes of today -

      • have never existed before.

      • And it's all too apparent that no one knows what to do next -

        • to bring about improvement.

    • Selfishness,

      • with respect to THEM -

        • is critically important to focus on now -

          • in considering next step improvement steps.

Smart Question #0063

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -21:30GMT

  • Question: Is the present model fixable?

TAP Response #0063

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -21:30GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21-21:30GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP will argue that it is NOT fixable.

      • Instead a whole new model needs to be imagined and engineered.

    • And TAP presents the seed of what a balanced & indefinitely sustainable model might look like.

    • It's very different than what exists today.

    • Today's model was doomed from the start -

      • because it is based in short-term greed & selfishness of a few.

    • It's existed for thousands of years -

      • mainly because of disinformation & misunderstanding.

      • but also because the biosphere could always support -

        • the greed

        • the wastefulness

        • the easy to get at resources

        • & the population size.

    • But now we are witnessing the death of the old model.

Smart Question #0064

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -11:46GMT

  • Question: What's the TAP civilization model look like?

TAP Response #0064

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -11:46GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22 -11:46GMT

  • Response:

    • With more honest important info acting as a base -

      • the TAP model is best understandable -

        • by focusing on its economic system.

    • Today's economic system is designed to grow indefinitely.

    • TAP's economic system is designed to stay mostly consistent -

      • across all human generations & time.

    • Consistency and equality across generations is key -

      • to balance and long-term sustainability.

    • ALL of today's governance systems utilize the hierarchical leadership model.

    • TAP's improved good governance system -

      • is based on TAP's group voice solution.

    • Today's education system supports the design of the other two pillar systems -

      • and emphasizes the GREAT importance of 'the job.'

    • TAP's base education system is totally free for life -

      • and emphasizes imagination & creativity -

        • because 'jobs' no longer hold up the TAP economic system.

    • In the TAP world, automation does most of the repetitive work of society.

Smart Question #0065

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Question: Does the TAP model utilize money?

TAP Response #0065

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Response:

    • Yes, money is a very useful tool.

    • But TAPmoney is very different than today's world money.

    • TAPmoney is:

      • 'gold standard' based,

        • but with a different standard

      • 100% digital & virtual

      • 100% trackable

      • periodically 100% renewed

    • TAPmoney maintains consistency across all time.

    • It also minimizes corruption & crime.

Smart Question #0066

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Question: What does renewing money mean exactly?

TAP Response #0066

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:04GMT

  • Response:

    • Imagine the TAP economic system including cycles.

    • Every cycle has an alpha (start) point and an omega (end) point.

    • At omega -

      • all existing money is deleted in the world -

        • TAP calls this 'zeroing.'

    • At alpha -

      • the new cycle currency is replenished -

        • TAP calls this 'renewing.'

    • This solution does several GREAT things for civilization:

      • 1) Reduces monetary crime & corruption

      • 2) Maintains generational consistency

      • 3) Simplifies record keeping

      • 4) Encourages balanced budgeting

      • 5) Encourages investment in necessities of life

Smart Question #0067

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:27GMT

  • Question: How do people save money then?

TAP Response #0067

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:27GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.23 -11:35GMT

  • Response:

    • They don't save money from cycle to cycle.

    • Instead saving money is replaced with purchasing future credit -

      • toward the future purchase of:

        • product(s)

        • service(s)

        • experience(s)

    • Not only is savings eliminated in the TAP world,

      • but also eliminated are:

        • taxes

        • loans

        • insurances

        • speculative investments

        • welfare

        • social security

        • medicaid

        • medicare

        • food stamps

        • corporations

        • not-for-profits

        • attorneys

        • politicians

    • The TAP model assumes the future -

      • will bring more negative events than positive events.

    • The model forces everyone -

      • to plan for the worse,

        • and hope for the best.

    • This approach helps maintain long-term sustainability -

      • and consistency & equality across all generations.

Smart Question #0068

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:37GMT

  • Question: Please, more details on future credit?

TAP Response #0068

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:37GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:37GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP's future credit concept deals with the reality -

      • that bad events are always lurking around a possible next corner in life.

    • The typical person will:

      • make mistakes

      • have accidents

      • get sick

      • die.

    • The TAP economy deals with this -

      • NOT by creating worry & fear,

        • but instead by eliminating both.

    • Live for today vs. for tomorrow.

    • But some things needed or wanted,

      • from the economic POV,

        • cannot be afforded now.

    • So people purchase credit with limited available funds,

      • in the present -

        • to one day get the thing -

          • in the future.

    • And if bad should happen -

      • then the bad does not negatively impact others or THEM.

Smart Question #0069

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:49GMT

  • Question: What happens to future credit when a person dies?

TAP Response #0069

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:49GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.22 -12:49GMT

  • Response:

    • It depends on the type of future credit.

    • There are two types:

      • 1) individual

      • 2) group

    • In the TAP world every individual and every group -

      • has an economic account.

    • With every current and next cycle,

      • all accounts MUST be balanced.

    • Seems impossible,

      • but with digital technology -

        • totally possible.

    • Algorithms and processes ensure every entity always maintains economic balance.

    • When a person dies:

      • 1) all individual future credit gets deleted

      • 2) any contribution to group future credit remains.