Post-reflection #001

Smart Question #0027

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:21GMT

  • Question: Why's life so hard?

TAP Response #0027

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:21GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:21GMT

  • Response:

    • Two parts to my response:

      • 1) The universe is such that:

        • a) Negative things usually happen quickly

        • b) Positive things usually happen slowly

      • 2) Human civilization today is far more complex and complicated -

        • because it's a tactic utilized to hide the truth.

Smart Question #0028

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:28GMT

  • Question: Who created the complexity?

TAP Response #0028

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:28GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:28GMT

  • Response:

    • Those with the wealth & power -

      • it started many millennia ago -

        • and has continued to get more and more complex to today.

Smart Question #0029

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:31GMT

  • Question: Can our world be changed?

TAP Response #0029

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:31GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:31GMT

  • Response:

    • Yes, absolutely!

    • We just need to focus on simplifying things.

    • Simplifying:

      • the overall civilization model

      • the model systems & processes

      • The tools & rules.

  • Humans, like all other intelligent lifeforms in the universe are on an evolutionary journey -

    • to seek out the truth our universe possesses and can possess -

      • with new discovery of alternative possibility.

Smart Question #0030

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:40GMT

  • Question: What's alternative possibility?

TAP Response #0030

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:40GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:40GMT

  • Response:

    • First off, alternative possibility can be either bad or bad.

    • It can be good for some and bad for others.

    • TAP is focused on discovering alternative possibility that brings about improvement to a single group of human beings -

      • simplifying the good vs. bad assessment process.

Smart Question #0031

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:46GMT

  • Question: Who is this group of human beings?

TAP Response #0031

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:46GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:46GMT

  • Response:

    • It's a group TAP calls THEM.

    • THEM are all living human beings ten thousand (10,000) years into the future.

Smart Question #0032

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:49GMT

  • Question: Why are THEM so important?

TAP Response #0032

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:49GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:49GMT

  • Response:

    • The concept of THEM greatly simplifies life for us all of the present.

    • THEM gives us a simple way to unify life purpose.

    • Within the concept of THEM is included several other concepts that align with the purpose of the universe.

Smart Question #0033

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:54GMT

  • Question: What's the purpose of the universe?

TAP Response #0033

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:54GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:54GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP believes it's -

      • the evolution of the understanding of truth.

    • Especially important it the concept that truth is NOT a static thing.

    • Instead truth is a dynamic evolving thing in of itself.

    • Truth can change with new discovery of alternative possibility.

Smart Question #0034

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:59GMT

  • Question: How do humans fit into the purpose of the universe?

TAP Response #0034

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:59GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -11:59GMT

  • Response:

    • Humans, like all other intelligent lifeforms, exist to:

      • discover alternative possibility

      • co-create the story of truth -

        • as transferable important information.

    • From generation to generation -

      • between humans.

    • And maybe one day -

      • from humans to other intelligent beings.

Smart Question #0035

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:05GMT

  • Question: What's this important information?

TAP Response #0035

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:05GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:05GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP simply defines important information as any info that contains the truth.

    • Science has revealed that truthful info can be discovered in -

      • either or both realms of the universe.

    • It exists in historical evolutionary record format like:

      • in the DNA of the human

      • in the positions of space physical objects

      • in energy sources in spacetime

      • in story of truth possibility -

        • passed down and passed thru civilizations.

    • TAP sees everything of the physical realm existing -

      • to provide the possibility of important info to exist and to evolve.

Smart Question #0036

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:20GMT

  • Question: Which realm is more important?

TAP Response #0036

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:20GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:20GMT

  • Response:

    • Without the physical realm -

      • the non-physical that makes possible the story of truth could not exist.

    • But of the two -

      • it's the non-physical that is far more important.

    • Without awareness,

      • the physical has no purpose.

    • Without an audience,

      • a story has no purpose.

    • The universe MUST have more than one intelligent mind.

    • It's illogical to assume there's one God alone -

      • outside the two realms of our universe.

    • There MUST be at least two independent intelligent beings minds.

Smart Question #0037

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:35GMT

  • Question: Are there God(s)?

TAP Response #0037

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:35GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:35GMT

  • Response:

    • There could be.

    • But TAP does NOT care if there is or isn't.

    • TAP works equally well whether there is or isn't.

    • TAP's focus is honesty of belief -

      • NOT who might be right and who wrong?

    • This question of truth will, most likely,

      • NEVER be answered.

    • TAP accepts both belief options -

      • as well as all other possibility too.

Smart Question #0038

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:42GMT

  • Question: What does TAP define as honesty?

TAP Response #0038

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:42GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.19 -12:42GMT

  • Response:

    • Honesty is what a mind understands and believes as truth,

      • independent of right and wrong.

    • Honesty can contain:

      • error

      • mistake

      • misunderstanding

      • impossibility

      • improbability

      • misinformation

    • Honesty cannot contain:

      • disinformation

      • lies

      • known dishonesty.

    • Honesty is at the heart of the important information that TAP is most interested in.

    • TAP cares less about the honesty of the individual mind -

      • its real interest is establishing honesty of the group voice -

        • ALL different groups and groupings.

Smart Question #0039

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -12:51GMT

  • Question: Why is group voice so important?

TAP Response #0039

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -12:51GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -12:51GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP is all about establishing improvement in important info -

      • by generating a better form of reference information -

        • it calls group voice.

    • Group voice that emphasizes honesty of understanding and belief.

    • The key innovation of TAP group voice -

      • is inclusion of FAR MORE individual voices in the TAPgroup.

    • This innovation is made possible by a whole new type of -

      • Artificial Intelligence, AI.

    • Group voice is important because it reveals more truth than individual voice.

Smart Question #0040

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:04GMT

  • Question: How does TAP AI (TAPai) produce FAR MORE participation?

TAP Response #0040

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:04GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:04GMT

  • Response:

    • TAPai is individual mind response type AI.

    • It responses for the participant -

      • when the participant does NOT directly engage and respond -

        • ALWAYS -

          • never missing any ask for input response.

    • TAPai exists because there's a biggest problem in today's world -

      • than generating honest group voice.

    • The bigger problem is getting people to participate.

    • Most people in today's world are focused on survival -

      • their personal priorities thus place voice contribution -

        • lower down on the priority list.

    • TAPable is a tool -

      • that allows the individual to contribute a personal voice -

        • always - even without thought or understanding -

          • of what is being asked.

Smart Question #0041

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:26GMT

  • Question: How does TAPai work?

TAP Response #0041

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:26GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:26GMT

  • Response:

    • TAPai is made possible by two other TAP innovations:

      • 1) TAP case-lists

      • 2) TAP mirroring

    • The two combine to be able to provide each unique TAPper a TAPavatar -

      • that will respond for the player -

        • when the player cannot or does not respond in person.

Smart Question #0042

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:38GMT

  • Question: What is a TAP case-list?

TAP Response #0042

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:38GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:38GMT

  • Response:

    • A case-list has two components:

      • 1) case

      • 2) list

    • The case -

      • is the intent of the group voice important info sought after.

      • The case is just a statement or question that indicates what should be included in the subsequent emerging list.

    • The list -

      • is a prioritized list of logical possibility -

        • given the present state of understanding of civilization.

      • The list has no limits to how many different possibility items can exist within it.

      • The list compares each item to all other items -

        • and all get rank-ordered relative to each other.

      • The list is NOT static in number of items or in position of items.

      • The list evolves over time -

        • as addition thought consideration is given it.

Smart Question #0043

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:50GMT

  • Question: What is TAP mirroring?

TAP Response #0043

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:50GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -13:50GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP mirroring is a process of combining case-lists from any two or more TAP entities.

    • With TAP there are only two types of entities:

      • 1) Individual voice thought

      • 2) Group voice thought

    • Mirroring can be done with any combination of either or both entities.

    • Mirroring utilizes a TAP innovation called the TAP algorithm.

      • It's a mathematical solution that utilizes the concept of perfect equality of voice contribution.

    • Mirroring produces a single list of possibility items,

      • for the particular case,

        • that is the perfect combination of all input voices.

    • Mirroring is how a TAPavatar is given its very limited intelligence -

      • and its limited ability to respond for the TAPper -

        • when the TAPper is not able to respond -

          • or when the TAPper elects NOT to respond -

            • the particular instance.

    • Each unique-minded TAPper provides their TAPavatar simple instruction for how to mirror.

    • The 'how' includes:

      • 1) What entities to mirror?

      • 2) When exactly to submit the response?

    • Every new TAPavatar comes with logical default instruction,

      • so the new TAPper need do nothing to get their TAPavatar working.

    • Every TAPavatar gets activated with the ability to start working instantly.

      • Critically important to the overall TAP tool solution.