Chapter 040 - 2021.03.28

  • I take a 4-mi daily walk almost every day.

  • I use to do a big annual roadside trash pickup event to give back for a local triathlon I helped to create for our local YMCA.

  • I'm highly allergic to poison ivy and tick bites -

    • it takes me weeks to get over either type of sick infection.

  • The roadside litter really bothers me.

  • It's something that I feel I can do and should do, especially as a positive world-improvement side thing as part of my daily walks.

  • I've been pondering better solutions for my unusual self limitations.

  • Today, I decided to put more effort into the solution development process.

  • I shared a development approach with Mary.

  • Her initial reaction was not bad.

  • Thought this would be a great opportunity to be a 'teaching moment' for STEM-focused kids.

  • I can see a student competition seeking the very best overall solution:

    • most effective

    • most cost-effective

    • most practical

    • most robust

    • most compact

    • least weight

    • etc.

  • All the practical pursuits of anything physical.

  • I've got a lot of initial ideas to offer up as a starting place:

    • a push or pull primary cart -

      • to hold all the gadget tools

      • to separate recycle from returnable from garbage

      • creating balance during all phases of usage

    • an assortment of helpful tools -

      • that make up a 'toolbox' of situational trash location challenges including but NOT limited to:

        • electronic drone picker

        • crossbow impaler-picker

        • manual extender picker

        • manual impaler-picker

        • manual broom & dustpan

    • also a urinal & privacy screen,

      • so the person can relieve themselves on the road.

  • I'm sure more minds focused on all the possibility -

    • will come up with even more useful tools and gadgets.

  • The cart with its containers is just the base starting place solution:

    • narrow,

      • but will not easily tip over

    • two standard bicycle tires

    • self-standing when released

    • able to conveniently hold and release all the toolbox tools

    • affordable

    • spare bags & ties

  • Tools and cart attachments sold separately,

    • but all engineered to work together in any combination -

      • just need to follow specific placement instructions.

  • Working name is:

    • Roadside Trash Helper"

  • Core principal is:

    • Let the human make the tough decisions -

      • based on what they see

    • The tools just make the physical retrieval work easier.

  • In researching other work done in this need area -

    • much work was found with 100% robotic solutions -

      • where the dream is to have robots do both the thinking and work.

  • Nothing will ever be better than the human mind -

    • when it comes to complex problems like -

      • navigating all the obstacles and challenges -

        • of retrieving an item of roadside trash -

          • from the endless situations -

            • it can be situated in.

  • That human mind with an arsenal of tools -

    • to make the work as easy and quick as possible -

      • cannot be beat with today's limited & costly technology.

  • I volunteer to be the principal tester and feedback giver,

    • but I want this project to be done by STEM kids.

  • A related add-on to this project I pitched to Google Maps over a decade ago now.

  • The concept was to have some sort of an overlay map that would continuously monitor the required periodic clean-up activity along roadsides -

    • so everyone new what had been recently done and when -

      • and so all roads got done from time to time -

        • instead of the same ones getting done too often.

  • I never got to the right people at Google Maps -

    • who cared enough about community involvement in environmental protection and clean-up.

  • But maybe together now -

    • these two initiatives create one much better initiative.

  • This whole initiative will connect in local 'public works' too.

  • The three (3) different types of roadside trash collected will need to find homes -

    • and public works will be instrumental in creating this piece of the overall solution.

  • We did this in the past.

  • We got special heavy-duty red oversized barrel bags -

    • and cut a deal with public works to collect them -

      • by regular pickup at our street corner.

  • So imagine a whole separate bag initiative-branding solution -

    • as another practical add-on.

  • Go here to see further development activity.

  • There's a whole other political change piece to this initiative too.

  • It directly addresses the huge contribution that fast food and convenience beverage packing adds to human civilization's pollution problem.

  • This initiative, for the first time, adds a policing component to a possible alternative solution approach.

  • Imagine if big brand packaging had to pay a tax for each brand container or can or bottle or other related consumer convenience-use item.

  • This initiative puts into place the police who find and log the evidence.

  • What needs to change politically is who bears responsibility?

  • If the packaging provider becomes responsible vs. the consumer -

    • than maybe things will improve.

  • Then the provider is incentivized to NOT produce so much packaging and potential pollution.

  • Imagine a solution system that has trash collectors taking photos of their work.

  • All laid out before final bagging.

  • Photos become both proof of work effort and hard evidence.

  • Imagine facial recognition photo software with AI -

    • that keys in on brand identification vs. human being identification.

  • Should be much simpler AI.

  • The evidence is connected to a location, time and collector.

  • The evidence becomes part of the new taxation penalty fee.

  • Ultimately we want corporations to change their offerings -

    • with far less packaging - that can end up in the environment.

  • Convenience gets replaced with the understanding of helping the environment.

  • This is going to be a big political fight -

    • but one that needs to begin sooner than later.

  • It can now begin though -

    • with this new initiative for tackling roadside litter.

  • Look forward to general reaction and feedback to this overall solution -

    • especially adding on this corporate disruption and political change component.

  • Another component of this overall initiative -

    • is to have student project teams seek sponsorship of:

      • carts

      • tools

  • Then to include sponsor recognition into their custom designs.

  • E.g. a cart could feature all Coke product cans in the cart places that call for sides -

    • which can be over a majority of the surface area of the cart walls.

  • The cart assembler -builders then collect cans that have the branding.

  • The cans are cut up, riveted together to form side section walls.

  • So there's very much a creativity component to building these -

    • rolling initiative marketing vehicles.

  • The carts and tools we cost hundreds of dollars.

  • Sponsorship could cover most of this, in some cases,

    • especially if big brands are sought out by students and teachers.

  • The most obvious are those who produce aluminum canned beverages:

    • soft drinks

    • beer

    • energy drinks

    • flavor and alcohol waters

    • etc.

  • Any durable signage can be incorporated though.

  • Even things like license plates or the actual trash recovered from the roadsid