Chapter 039 - 2020.01.22

  • On this date, emphasis began on a sub-project of TAP -

    • that eventually lead me to this project called -

      • TAP PMbal.

  • PM = Project Management

  • bal = balance

  • TAP PMbal is a new solution involving project management -

    • within the broader area of group collaboration.

  • Imagine a whole different way to approach collaboration.

  • Imagine a solution that requires:

    • No hierarchical leadership -

      • meaning no group leader or leadership at any level

    • No real-time meetings

    • No listening to know-it-alls -

      • go on and on about what they think is truth, reality and best

    • No debating or arguments -

      • what's the next best step or decision?

    • No voting -

      • by team members

  • All these problematic collaboration issues go away.

  • Imagine a solution that:

    • makes every group member an equal

    • prevents every group member from ever becoming an obstacle

    • counts every group members input, always

    • automatically finds agreement

    • automatically finds the signal in the noise

    • filters out all the bad ideas

  • This is TAP PMbal.

  • Imagine being able:

    • to see the latest project progress on your own schedule

    • to provide input at your convenience

    • to NOT worry about getting tied up with something more important

    • to create more free time for yourself

    • to feel more empowered

    • to generate more happiness -

      • by knowing your input is always counted equally

    • ignore the mundane tasks -

      • and focus on the creativity requirements of work

  • With TAP and PMbal every group member is given -

    • a personal assistant -

      • to do all the grunt work.

  • This assistant is in the form of a new type of AI.

  • Think about placing a specific component piece of the real 'you' into a virtual game system avatar.

  • Imagine an avatar of 'you' that was engineered for a specific aspect of life -

    • limited to the requirements of collaborative work.

  • This is the type of AI and avatar that was engineered -

    • to solve most of the problems that -

      • exist within today's world.

  • The solution is so simple that you need do almost nothing -

    • to give 'your' avatar its intelligence.

  • TAP avatars get their intelligence a much simpler way.

  • So simple that each and every one added to the game -

    • come with default intelligence that -

      • a great majority of newbies will be perfectly happy with.

  • But know that 'you' have 100% control to -

    • tweak 'your' avatar whenever 'you' deem necessary -

      • to improve its usefulness to 'you'.

  • TAP PMbal allows 'you' to:

    • run off to the restroom

    • get sick -

      • and NOT miss a thing

    • go on vacation -

      • and still be counted -

        • ALL the time

    • go into the hospital

    • enter into a comma

    • even physically die -

      • and still contribute to 'your' groups work.

  • The key innovation behind PMbal and ALL things TAP and TAPable is -

    • a whole new way -

      • for both humans and technology -

        • to do 'important infocomm'.

  • TAP defines 'important infocomm' as -

    • the subset of all infocomm that is used to:

      • 1) establish belief

      • 2) make important daily life decisions

  • Though the same solution can be put to work -

    • for generating and communicating all the other forms of infocomm -

      • TAP asks for focus on important info.

  • Any time two or more minds come together -

    • to work and weave thought together -

      • this is also important infocomm.

  • PMbal employees the TAPable tool.

  • The TAPable tool can combine any two or more minds -

    • into a single 'group voice' -

      • with agreement always -

        • automatically found.

  • The tool always automatically establishes two types of agreement:

    • 1) positive possibility agreement

    • 2) negative possibility agreement

  • PMbal ALWAYS brings focus on the positive.

  • ALL groups should ALWAYS -

    • spend limited time, money and resources on -

      • the positive agreement.

  • It's ALWAYS the best next-step possibility.

  • The TAP PMbal solution process -

    • helps ALL groups continuously move workflow -

      • to the next logical and practical decision and/or action step.

  • Every step is always much the same:

    • Establish the next most important need

    • Establish the step duration

    • Put forth all the logical and intentional possibilities

    • Simultaneously prioritize all the possibility

    • Watch the group voice emerge and stabilize

  • All the while, simultaneously -

    • thinking about and establishing as a group -

      • what's needed and most important to be done next?

  • [maybe more coming - especially if I'm asked smart questions]