Chapter 038 - 2015.03.31

  • This is the date on a pdf presentation file.

  • This concept is actually several different concepts -

    • rolled together into one all-encompassing project.

  • XAP-IT is an evolutionary step forward in athletics-type competitions.

  • Primary objectives:

    • normalize physical differences

    • create more balance between the mind & body objectives

    • involve spectators more

  • XAP-IT Sports are the future of sports!

  • XAP-IT does NOT eliminate current sports -

    • but it could evolve how present sports are done .

  • Think about mental engagement and challenge.

  • XAP-IT adds more of this -

    • for both the competitor and the spectator.

  • XAP-IT is more about 'performance prediction' -

    • than actual performance results.

  • It challenges both the athlete and spectator -

    • to predict near-future performance outcomes.

  • Think about scoring points based on two factors:

    • 1) 'normalized' performance

    • 2) predicted 'actual' performance

  • Actual performance is the real measurement without adjustment.

  • Normalized performance is an adjustment made -

    • because of physical venue factors or competitor attribute difference.

  • Normalization can be done because of differences like:

    • venue:

      • temperature

      • elevation

    • competitor:

      • age

      • gender

      • novice vs. professional

      • height

      • weight

      • BMI

  • XAP-IT assumes ALL minds are equal -

    • and NEVER makes adjustments -

      • because of mental differences.

  • The 'mental performance' component -

    • within the context of physical competition -

      • is really what is being challenged -

        • within both competitors and spectators.

  • This concept was discovered accidentally -

    • out of necessity during athletic training routine.

  • I was looking for something to -

    • with my mind -

      • while physically training.

  • I was X-C skiing around a short loop course on my personal property.

  • The loop was only about a quarter mile in length.

  • It however had several challenging sections and obstacles.

  • Dangerous during certain days of the winter.

  • Mental adjustments were always necessary -

    • depending on the conditions.

  • One challenge I came up with was -

    • predicting the seconds indicator on my watch -

      • when I crossed a particular point in the loop.

  • I imagined a game that would award points -

    • based on how close or far away from the prediction -

      • that actually resulted.

  • Bonus points for nailing the actual to the prediction.

  • Penalty points for being off the prediction.

  • The challenge required me to know -

    • my own athletic capabilities -

      • across the full duration -

        • which was one hour.

  • We grow tired and weaker as we push -

    • across long durations of time.

  • NOT only physically -

    • but also mentally.

  • Mental prediction error shows up more when we are tired.

  • Understanding of reality of all factors -

    • understanding historical performance -

      • understanding surprise and change factors -

        • are all key factors within XAP-IT Sports.

  • I imagined not only the athlete being challenged these ways -

    • but also the spectators -

      • in a new form of 'sports gambling' -

        • that would more deeply engage the spectator -

          • in the entirety of the challenge -

            • NOT just the overall outcome -

              • of the physical component.

  • Then there's always the issue of physical difference...

  • Totally separately -

    • and years before -

      • as a triathlete -

        • I discovered great inequity -

          • in certain competition structures.

  • I set out to find a solution that would -

    • fix the issue of:

      • inequity in race component

      • inequity between physical athletes.

  • I wanted to normalize -

    • 'create equity between' -

      • the three components of a triathlon -

        • making each perfectly weighted.

  • I wanted to normalize athletes themselves -

    • so All could compete against one another -

      • independent of age or gender or shape and size.

  • A solution was created using real data.

  • I was able to normalize both:

    • the three components of a triathlon

    • all athletes re:

      • age

      • gender

  • The results changed who would have been declared the winner -

    • as the format as presented -

      • gave great advantage to high performing -

        • bikers and runners -

          • over high performing swimmers.

  • The test case race skewed things far more than normal triathlons do.

  • This particular race was called 20-20-20.

  • It measured total distance accumulated -

    • from 20 minutes at each event.

  • So obviously the strongest biker -

    • would have great advantage.

  • But with my normalization solution -

    • each of the three components could be made -

      • perfectly equal in scoring toward combined -

        • overall assessment.

  • I did a similar thing with age and gender -

    • creating graphs that established normalization curves.

  • Now instead of breaking out:

    • the two genders

    • 5-year increment age groups -

      • everyone could be put into a single competition -

        • with a single winner -

          • to be identified.

  • This normalization has since been -

    • included in XAP-IT.

  • As for the spectator competition -

    • it's simple...

  • Who scores the most points for predicting various outcomes?

  • Using my one hour ski loop challenge -

    • as an example.

  • Predicting the competitor score:

    • overall

    • each loop

    • then overall winner after applying normalization.

  • With XAP-IT almost anyone can compete against anyone else.

  • But XAP-IT goes a step further -

    • and imagines competitions that allow performance:

      • at different times

      • at different locations

      • with different venue factors.

  • With XAP-IT -

    • now there's much more flexibility and opportunity.

  • Imagine sporting events happening across a week or month or year's time.

  • Where competitors need NOT travel all over the world.

  • They can compete at their local venue.

  • Imagine all performances being scheduled and recorded.

  • Imagine a difference between:

    • being played by a spectator player vs.

    • only being experienced as a spectator viewer.

  • Playing MUST happen in real time -

    • whereas experiencing can happen anytime.

  • Someone experiencing a performance can still play -

    • but NOT for any $$$ stakes.

  • [I'll pause for now.]

  • Here's an old online XAP-IT slideshow that -

    • may reveal more detail to 'you'.

  • [maybe more coming, especially if smart questions are asked]