Chapter 036 - 2012.01.26

  • This image was saved on this date.

  • It's the earliest I could find -

    • though the image was in a 2011 project file.

  • This discovery of possibility I called -

    • soundshine.

  • I secured the domain -

    • which links over to a Facebook group -

      • I created years later.

  • Soundshine is an alternative way to do a social media type platform -

    • like TAPable -

      • NO normal forms of infocomm allowed.

  • Instead ALL 'you' are allowed to do is share 'your' creativity -

    • given the limited 'unlimited' constraints of soundshine.

  • Soundshine is an audio-visual experience tool that -

    • combines together individual's contributions -

      • to generate entertaining 'sequencing experiences'.

  • It established an ever-growing in size spherical world of globe sectors.

  • These sectors get claimed by players -

    • to host their creativity from.

  • Players are free to move to any other open sector -

    • at any time.

  • This frees up the previous home -

    • for someone else to move onto.

  • The moment the latest new member arrives in the game -

    • with no open sectors then -

      • the soundshine world morphs -

        • to the next-step increase in size.

  • This opens up lots more open sectors -

    • for old and new to shift over to.

  • The relative positioning of sectors is especially important.

  • The spherical tool gets spun -

    • to produce the play sequencing.

  • Eight primary directions are possible -

    • to spin the world in.

  • Every sector has two primary attributes:

    • 1) audio attribute

    • 2) visual attribute

  • So spinning -

    • both displays sight and sound.

  • Sequence timing is very important -

    • so how fast or slow 'you' spin the world -

      • greatly impacts the resultant experience.

  • The creativity allowed on 'your' sector -

    • is only limited by -

      • what present digital tech allows.

  • The social game comes with a -

    • powerful control panel -

      • for both:

        • controlling play experience attributes

        • and creativity generation.

  • Soundshine has NO:

    • liking or disliking

    • commenting

    • chatting

    • etc.

  • There's NO bad creativity!

  • If 'you' can create it -

    • then its good.

  • Soundshine attempts to transition minds -

    • from the right vs. wrong

    • from the good vs. bad

    • from the error vs. perfection.

  • Humans have been taught -

    • for far too long -

      • that there are these concepts to figure out.

  • Soundshine exists to teach the opposite -

    • to focus on alternative possibility -

      • and leave what's right vs. wrong -

        • for other tools to focus on.

  • In this case -

    • to allow TAPable to focus on.