Chapter 033 - 2012.02.13

  • Way before TAP,

    • there was a project called livvedom.

  • On this day,

    • I found project files with this date.

  • Livvedom was an imagined new world -

    • for us human beings.

  • It was a parallel virtual world -

    • for our thoughts, beliefs & understanding.

  • A world that would have far fewer constraints & limitations.

  • A world with a simpler organizational structure.

  • A world with simpler object or entity identity.

  • Within the livvedom world would exist a more logical structuring of primary objects -

    • just two types of objects:

      • 1) Individual minds

      • 2) Groups of minds

    • Because these objects were minds representing people -

      • livvedom referred to them as entities.

    • In the 3D version of the imagined world:

      • Individuals = cubes

      • Groups = spheres

    • In the 2D version:

      • Individuals = squares

      • Groups = circles

    • For any sphere (circle) to exist -

      • within MUST be at least two cubes (squares).

    • But groups could also exist inside other groups.

    • NO square could exist inside another square though.

      • But they could temporarily align -

        • touching sides or corners.

    • Temporary positioning -

      • speaking volumes in the livvedom world -

        • and is a critical component of -

          • establishing one's identity.

    • Identity, in the livvedom world -

      • is the MOST important 'infocomm'.

      • Infocomm = information communication

    • In this world -

      • ALL info gets established by an info author person or group.

      • So the true identity of either type of author is key.

    • In the livvedom world -

      • participants CANNOT make up their identity at will -

        • like is often done in today's world.

      • Claiming to be one thing in this situation -

        • and something else in that situation.

    • In the livvedom world -

      • every participant -

        • can be almost anything they want -

          • at any time, but -

            • when a change is made -

              • it changes EVERYWHERE!

    • This is just one component and approach solution -

      • to establishing a more honest world.

    • Livvedom is engineered to establish more honest infocomm in our real world.

    • Much of livvedom still exists within TAP today!

    • If interested further in old livvedom work -