Chapter 032 - 2014.06.13

  • On this day, I created the liffehelp Google Site.

  • Liffehelp is a whole new approach to doing:

    • philanthropy

    • charitable giving

    • volunteering help

    • backing a world-improvement initiative

    • etc.

  • Liffehelp approaches the work effort in three (3) steps:

    • 1) awareness & virtual support

    • 2) financial support

    • 3) time-given support

  • These three steps are the natural flow of TAP's understanding of LOVE -

    • unselfishly caring & helping others.

  • TAP asks the world to greatly simplify the concept of love.

  • In the TAP world it makes no sense to love oneself -

    • because TAP love -

      • only involves what one thinks and acts toward another.

  • Love does NOT require physical realm action.

    • It can exist only in the non-physical realm.

  • And this is where liffehelp begins within each person's mind.

  • First we must love someone or something:

    • a person or group

    • a concept

    • an initiative

    • a solution to a problem

    • etc.

  • The easiest first step to take is -

    • to identify ourselves, to others, as loving the cause.

  • The next easiest step is to give $$$ to that cause.

  • The hardest next-step is -

    • to provide our limited time & effort.

  • Liffehelp helps each mind through this natural flow of ever-increasing love action.

  • To learn more about liffehelp possibility -