Chapter 029 - 2021.01.01

  • Happy New Year!

  • Allow me to attempt to explain why AI is so important -

    • and why the precise form of AI is more important.

  • I've been working on a side project for the past three (3) weeks -

    • more or less.

  • I've discovered Amazon Photos -

    • a free tool with our Prime service.

  • Unlimited storage of photos -

    • upselling those who have lots of videos.

  • We are presently in the first pay tier -

    • because of all our families' videos -

      • accumulated across several decades -

        • starting in the late 1980s.

  • There's a cool feature -

    • where daily they deliver a 'this day in history' slide show set to music.

  • The problem is that exact day,

    • a photo was taken -

      • is NOT a known,

        • for most of our old photos.

  • Focus, for a moment,

    • on this single simple task -

      • of finding and assigning 'error free' dates to all our photos.

  • Imagine a world,

    • where the fewer errors in photos -

      • telling a more accurate story of our history -

        • leads to great improvement in all other connected things of life.

  • The issue is:

    • who really knows the accurate date of each photo?

  • Whose voice do we assume has the correct date?

  • TAP AI -

    • is this type of AI.

  • It's AI that across time continuously delivers more and more photos with accurate and/or more accurate dates.

  • It utilizes a solution that assumes everything is connected -

    • and everyone possesses a bit of knowledge that helps the whole improve what is truth.

  • In this photo dating example,

    • think about how lives cross at various times.

  • That a common day for most is a special day for some.

  • That memories of certain days and events and photos get engrained in specific minds.

  • The TAP AI solution framework is in place in a very crude way -

    • in what I'm doing with our photos.

  • I've got a process in place where I start the ball rolling to more accurately assign dates -

    • all by myself.

  • But I'm also asking others for help -

    • to better couch possibility for more accurate dates.

  • We're discovering helpful clues:

    • featured person(s) in photos

    • asking help from living person(s) in photos

    • clothes type worn = season

    • present or absence of leaves on trees

    • snow or no snow

    • size of photo

    • type of photo

    • photo paper

    • reality of availability of a person being in a photo, like away at school or not

    • geography placement of photo

    • hair style

    • glasses type

    • candle count on birthday cakes

    • etc etc

  • All these things provide us clues.

  • More important -

    • is simply adding each additional photo to the chronological series.

  • "Oh, I recall this happened before that happened."

  • Now imagine a tool and platform dedicated to establishing photo date truth.

  • You invite all your family and friends to play the game -

    • having fun recalling past events -

      • all the while generating more accurate photo info -

        • that is continuously delivering more and more fact & truth.

  • All we need do -

    • is extend this same sort of approach -

      • to ALL important info of society and civilization.

  • Get everyone to focus and work as interconnected minds -

    • looking at and thinking more deeply about the clues in the evidence and possibility realm.

  • This is TAP AI.

  • Never assuming that one person or group has the best voice to pay attention too.

  • Instead knowing that -

    • everyone can help contribute a piece that -

      • leads to improved understanding with more accurate info.

  • TAP AI generates many many voices.

  • You simply decide which one you believe to be best for the specific want and/or need.

  • TAP AI solves the problem -

    • of worrying about and selecting -

      • whose voice do we listen to and establish as best in the moment?

  • The voice combination of everyone -

    • might be the best!

  • In the photo dating tool example -

    • it's hopefully more obvious that -

      • less error is possible when combining input from everyone.