Chapter 027 - 2019.10.30

  • I first created this type of drawing on this date.

  • The drawing was inspired -

    • by a new discovery -

      • in the realm of alternative possibility -

        • for how best to assess the concept of:

          • intelligence.

  • Philosophers and scientists -

    • have been struggling for millennia -

      • with how best to define and measure -

        • this important concept.

  • Humanity has tended to deal with it -

    • relative to themselves -

      • as the most evolved life form -

        • to possess the attribute.

  • TAP looks at intelligence -

    • as if the human is just one of many -

      • possible life forms of our universe.

  • Also that humanity is maybe NOT the most evolved?

  • TAP believes in balance vs. perfection.

  • The graphic presents intelligence this way too -

    • on a possibility continuum -

      • that I have never experienced before.

  • Thinking about intelligence -

    • having more to do with selfishness -

      • than anything else.

  • TAP sees the ultimate top intelligence -

    • as being a perfect balancing point -

      • between 100% selfish and 100% unselfish.

  • And that ALL the things of the universe -

    • are on the same journey -

      • to get to the balancing point.

  • The graphic even presents the possibility -

    • that some alien life form -

      • has come very close to achieving the -

        • best possible objective.

  • But it would be an individual vs. -

    • all the alien civilization -

      • as a whole group.

  • The example graphic includes -

    • some things of the universe -

      • that have traditionally been excluded -

        • from possessing intelligence.

  • The purpose of these inclusions is -

    • to suggest that EVERYTHING -

      • exists to help -

        • work toward the primary objective.

  • Begging the question:

    • "What if the physical exists -

      • ONLY to make possible the primary objective -

        • of TAP-like intelligence?"

  • TAP believes -

    • without intelligence -

      • the physical things of the universe -

        • are meaningless.

  • Awareness and -

    • especially, sharing awareness -

      • are essential.

  • Without these things -

    • than everything else is meaningless.

  • TAP believes -

    • if there's a God -

      • there MUST be at least two Gods -

        • to share the possibility with each other.

  • A lone God outside the bounds of the physical universe -

    • makes no logical sense.

  • TAP would have you consider the two -

    • challenging one another -

      • to what will the universe's story include -

        • with ALL the possibility -

          • of the combination of both -

            • the physical and non-physical realms.

  • Might the purpose of EVERYTHING, simply be -

    • to understand the ever-changing truth of emergent possibility?

  • Where the two Gods don't even know -

    • what will happen next or -

      • in the final chapter of the story.

  • That there's no planned or known outcome.

  • That every component of intelligence -

    • has the potential to impact the final outcome -

      • bad or good.

  • That evolving intelligence in time is -

    • key to how the story ends.

  • All local civilization stories -

    • as well as the one overall universal story.

  • TAP believes that humanity can easily go extinct -

    • and it's just one chapter in the overall story.

  • Other civilizations may find more success -

    • and that's all the two Gods need.

  • With this type of thinking and believing in mind -

    • humanity is encouraged to work together -

      • more unselfishly -

        • to ensure their chapter does not close.

  • This approach establishes common purpose -

    • that is rooted in evolving intelligence -

      • with honest important info understanding.

  • [maybe more coming]