Chapter 025 - 2020.03.30

  • COVID-19 has devastated the world,

    • but only because our world is NOT designed for things like it.

  • On this day I sent an email to our state CDC -

    • telling them of alternative solution to physical testing of COVID-19.

  • I never got a response!

  • This present pandemic is -

    • NOT the end of the bad to come.

  • It's just the beginning of a new era.

  • More and more these negative events -

    • will be coming now -

      • because our world is:

        • so out of balance

        • so divided

        • so unhealthy

        • so tapped of easy resources

        • so unaware and ignorant -

          • due to misunderstanding -

            • due to dis-mis-info.

  • Our present global, national, regional and community-based economies -

    • were NOT designed for things like COVID-19.

  • The present model is designed assuming -

    • that tomorrow will hand us ALL -

      • good events and good things.

  • The present model is living a lie.

  • This lie is revealing its truth to us ALL now.

  • Governance no longer knows what to do -

    • or even tell the people.

  • There's no more quick fixes -

    • NOT even with more lies.

  • Unless we transition away from the present model -

    • to a model grounded in reality, honesty and science -

      • things like COVID-19 will cause ALL economies to implode soon.

  • TAP is designed for ALL these inevitable negative events of life -

    • like coronaviruses.

  • But all the others too:

    • Climate change

    • Famine

    • Asteroid/ meteor threats

    • Earthquakes/ tsunamis

    • Icecap melts

    • Solar magnetic fluxes

    • Wildfires

    • Lifeform mutations

    • etc.

  • All these things are coming.

  • They're lurking,

    • right around the corner.

  • The way to deal with them all -

    • is to prioritize what's most important -

      • at any moment in time.

  • NOT to harm and burden those who come after us.

  • Instead, to force ALL those of the present to:

    • 1) prioritize values

    • 2) work with limited resources

    • 3) sacrifice the less valuable things of life

    • 4) co-create solutions -

      • with this much clearer understanding.

  • To implement this type of solution approach -

    • it requires important info,

      • that contains honesty.

  • Absolute truth is NOT required -

    • only honesty.

  • Today's economic model accepts and encourages dishonesty.

  • The stories being told about the COVID-19 crisis -

    • are way too optimistic.

  • This is why many people are making bad decisions in daily life.

  • Their understanding is skewed -

    • because of the bad info -

      • in the stories being told.

  • Today's economic model accepts the harm -

    • and even death of consumers.

  • It accepts and encourages the harm and destruction of the biosphere.

  • Profit at any cost!

  • The vaccines are being marketed -

    • as the cure all end all -

      • of all our problems.

  • This is just another lie -

    • to try to establish better balance -

      • as the ship sinks.

  • The alternative possibility I submitted -

    • within that email to the local CDC -

      • proposed a better way to tell the COVID-19 story.

  • NOT 100% truth and factual accuracy,

    • but a more conservative resulting story,

      • that would encourage more good behavior than bad.

  • A solution approach,

    • that would empower the individual citizen.

  • Make everyone feel more useful.

  • Make everyone feel more an equal contributor -

    • to the overall solution process.

  • Today's world encourages everyone to find their specialty in life -

    • and focus on becoming an expert in the specialty.

  • This helps today's world economy.

  • Imagine a world where everyone is more a generalist -

    • with a general understanding of -

      • all the interconnected things of:

        • life

        • the world

        • the universe.

  • Then take this approach -

    • to the present pandemic.

  • Would the world see better outcomes?

  • Especially,

    • would the future world be handed a better world?

  • A BIG problem with today's model is -

    • it encourages short-term thinking -

      • instead of long-term thinking.

  • Are we all really here for selfish purpose?

  • The model,

    • and especially the economic model,

      • certainly encourages this overall purpose.

  • It's EXTREMELY important that humanity -

    • clearly generate and communicate -

      • common purpose.

  • TAP makes this possible -

    • with the TAPable platform tool.

  • Exactly the same way -

    • that TAPable can be used to tell the COVID-19 honesty story.

  • All that is required is the honest input -

    • of our world's citizens.

  • [maybe more coming]