Chapter 024 - 2016.06.19

  • On this date,

  • I was not yet called 'the alien' back then,

    • but I just changed it now.

  • Long before I first started this story of alternative possibility -

    • much of it was being discovered and formulated into a single model.

  • The Lease Economy is an alternative economy model for civilization.

  • Since this time it has evolved into the:

    • TAP Economy

  • Imagine a completely different economic model that:

    • uses a whole different type of money

    • isn't dependent on job creation

    • cares not about the inevitable negative things,

      • like COVID-19

    • has unlimited economic fuel

    • utilizes a different type of leadership model

    • utilizes group voice honesty info vs. power/money self-interest info

    • automatically generates balance

    • is indefinitely sustainable

    • makes possible continuous & endless world improvement,

      • so the promise to our kids - is really possible

    • etc.

  • This new economic model shifts ultimate control -

    • away from 'the human' -

      • and relies more on 'the solution process' -

        • where future humanity best interest -

          • always is more important than -

            • present humanity best interest.

  • Imagine a solution that is impossible to hijack.

    • No person or special-interest group -

      • every has the power to overcome -

        • the will of the whole of humanity.

  • Imagine a solution that teaches children that they are equally powerful -

    • toward doing harm or helping the primary objective.

  • The economic model -

    • is one of the three (3) pillars -

      • that sit upon the foundation of any civilization -

        • that is 'important information.'

  • The problem with today's human civilization -

    • the foundation -

      • is made of concrete with many many flaws including:

        • dishonesty

        • deception

        • misinformation

        • disinformation

        • misunderstanding

        • etc.

  • The TAP foundation is made with honesty -

    • NOT necessarily 'truth' or 'universal truth' -

      • instead just honesty of understanding -

        • but based in honesty of important info.

  • Economics is NOT the most important thing -

    • as many believe in today's world.

  • But perhaps it is the second (2nd) most important thing.

  • And if we begin to prioritize the components -

    • that make up this pillar -

      • money or currency -

        • is probably at the top of this list.

  • It's why TAP first proposes a very different form of currency.

  • TAP$ is what will be focused on first.

  • Imagine a single currency -

    • for all civilization across all time.

  • Imagine is as 100% digital -

    • no physical version of it.

  • Imagine the total quantity of TAP$ -

    • at any moment in history -

      • being super controlled and regulated.

  • No human or group can ever create more,

    • but it also is not a set static amount over time.

  • TAP$ does increase and decrease,

    • but with a new form of 'gold standard.'

  • It ebbs and flows with the ever-changing -

    • number of living human being count -

      • and a special subset group of the total.

  • The subset is comprised of those who have attained a milestone in life.

  • The milestone is an achievement -

    • that required much personal work effort -

      • in understanding, belief and alternative possibility exploration.

  • The concept replaces age-based maturity.

  • TAP calls it:

    • independence

  • The amount of currency that exists -

    • at any moment across all time -

      • is directly proportional -

        • to the count of living human beings -

          • who possess the achievement and retention of independence.

  • Others who have not yet achieved -

    • or have lost the achievement title -

      • are NOT counted.

  • These individual, living citizens, have the ID:

    • dependence

  • In the TAP world, there's GREAT incentive -

    • for EVERYONE to work and keep EVERYONE else -

      • with the independence title or identity attribute.

      • Because these citizens get a periodic TAP$ stipend.

  • The total global TAP$ currency,

    • at any moment in time,

      • is the sum of all stipends allocated.

  • It does not matter what the stipend number is set as -

    • it just needs to be constant across all future time.

  • TAP$ is periodically renewed -

    • meaning old the present currency is deleted -

      • and stipends reallocated.

  • This takes place with each economic cycle or -

    • TAPcycle

  • The actual duration of a TAPcycle -

    • is NOT critically important -

      • as long as it also is the exact same across all time.

  • Maybe it is something between -

    • monthly to biannually.

  • Each TAPcycle begins with TAPalpha -

    • and ends with TAPomega.

  • The importance of these points in time -

    • will be revealed later,

      • but for now ALL old TAP$ is deleted at TAPomega -

        • and replenished at TAPalpha.

  • [more coming soon]