Chapter 021 - 1999.02.11

  • To the right is the earliest image I could find for this old game called:

    • Four Eyes

  • Chapter date = file date.

  • Four Eyes is a game -

    • something like Chess,

      • but very different.

  • It's simpler and faster.

  • Someone who does NOT understand the game can immediately play -

    • against an expert -

      • and might win.

  • The drawing above is very crude early concept drawing.

  • To the right is a next step working analog prototype.

  • This prototype really worked,

    • but it was very cumbersome to play test -

      • because:

        • 1) the mirror pieces had to be perfectly plumbed

        • 2) you had to lean down and look thru view holes in the board

          • to see the actual results.

          • Note: not necessary though - once you understood how the reflections work.

  • The next prototype was software I created:

  • And though it is still basic Four Eyes -

    • I changed the name for the software:

      • Mirror aMAZEr

  • The software fixed most of the problems the analog version presented the players:

    • No need for game pieces plumbing perfection

    • No need to bend down to look thru eyes

    • Automatic scoring

  • When relearning what I had created for software -

    • I did notice some a couple random occuring bugs:

      • Total board score would sometimes be wrong.

      • Some places on the board would not allow me to position mirrors there.

    • Easily fixable -

      • if I had the Visual Basic coding tools on my Win10 laptop.

      • Not even sure if it would be compatible now?

  • I'll use the generic name Four Eyes -

    • to describe the game.

  • It's a game for one (1) to four (4) players.

  • Any age really -

    • because it is so simple to begin to learn -

      • and there are no real wrong moves.

  • If a play piece fits than it is a legal move.

  • But there is strategy required -

    • once the objectives are clearly understood.

  • The simple game objective is to score the most points.

  • The way you score points is by:

    • 1) what eye color a particular eye sees

    • 2) how many mirror reflections are involved in what that particular eye sees.

  • If no mirror reflections are involved -

    • then eye will score zero (0) points.

  • Otherwise the eye scores a point for each reflection.

  • But that is not all -

    • the color match or color combination -

      • establishes a multiplier for the number of reflections.

  • If a match is made -

    • then the multiplier is three (3.)

  • If a complementary color match is made -

    • then it is two (2.)

  • Otherwise either of the other two colors -

    • yields a multiplier of one (1.)

  • Complementary colors are:

    • red for green

    • green for red

    • blue for yellow

    • yellow for blue.

  • So if a green eye sees a red eye -

    • and 4 mirror reflections are involved -

      • then that eye will score 8 points.

  • If a blue eye sees a blue eye off 7 reflects -

    • then it will score 21 points.

  • If a yellow eye sees a green eye off 2 reflections -

    • then it will score 2 points.

  • If a red eye sees a red eye straight across the board with no reflections -

    • then it scores 0 points.

  • Here's another snapshot of a game board.

  • See if you can figure out the scores of each of the 16 eyes.

  • The outermost eyes represent the color the player on that side of the board is after.

  • The inner eye color is what sits on the opposite side of the eye panel.

  • Image yourself looking thru the pupil of the eye -

    • from the outside position of the board.

  • The pupil is actually a viewport hole,

    • that when you look through reveals the iris color of an eye -

      • somewhere positioned at the 16 positions.

  • In the software below -

    • The pupil color represents the color seen.

  • The gray color of the inner side eyes -

    • represents a eye that is not looked thru.

  • Black slots of the board indicate -

    • no mirror exists there yet.

  • There are 32 45 degree positions in the middle of the board -

    • and 16 squared positions forming a squared perimeter around the 32.

  • 45 degree mirrors reflect at 90 degrees.

  • Squared mirrors reflect straight back.

  • That blue eye that has a score of 39 points -

    • is actually seeing the eye that is -

      • at the same position on the opposite side of the panel.

  • The Four Eyes board design is somewhat amazing -

    • because no matter how many mirror are placed on the board -

      • or where they are positioned -

        • each of the 16 eyes reveals only one of the other inside 16 eyes.

  • This phenomenon creates a board -

    • that delivers an ultra-simple game play -

      • where players cannot make a positioning mistake.

  • If the mirror fits -

    • then it's a legal move.

  • There's many different ways to create different solitaire and multiplayer challenges and competitions.

  • I actually just thought of a new way while reviewing this two-decades old game.

  • Instead of just checking all the scores after all mirrors are placed -

    • score just after each mirror is placed -

      • just for that player that turn.

  • And because turn order is so important -

    • in the software version of the game -

      • have players place their mirrors at the same time -

        • and indicate the eye they will score on.

  • Of course players could position mirrors in the same place -

    • so the game would indicate this -

      • and alert players that a change is required.

  • Once all players are in different allowable positions -

    • then the round gets scored.

  • For solitaire play issues like this are not a worry,

    • and there are many different types of challenges:

      • most points at end

      • most points accumulated

      • with 4 mirrors only

      • with 8 mirrors only

      • with 12 mirrors

      • with all 16 mirrors

  • Scoring can be alerted too -

    • imagine a difference between reflections off your mirrors -

      • versus the mirrors placed by others.

  • Four Eyes is the type of game where game enthusiasts -

    • will discover alternative ways to play and score.