Chapter 020 - 2008.10.26

  • This date, is so far the earliest date -

    • I've found of a reference -

      • to my discovery work -

        • on the concept of happiness.

  • It's pretty funny -

    • when I opened the found old Word doc -

      • titled:

        • "The Pursuit of Happiness"

      • in Google tools -

        • all that existed -

          • was two lines:

            • 1) The Pursuit of Joe's Happiness

              • bolded

            • 2) Define happiness

              • as the first numbered bulleted item.

  • Nothing else.

  • I have however done extensive work and writing on the subject.

  • I'll attempt now to provide -

    • my latest discoveries and thoughts -

      • on the concept happiness.

  • I found the old website, I created using WordPress:

  • The post date on this is:

    • 09 Nov 2009

  • So after this chapter date.

  • I'm sure some of what I will write now -

    • includes pieces of what I discovered back then -

      • plus new discoveries made since.

  • First a little background...

  • I've been searching for happiness all my life.

  • I guess because -

    • I just never seemed to be as happy -

      • as everyone else that surrounded me.

  • Maybe because I see things that are more truth than pretending.

  • As of today...

    • I believe there's one very special type of happiness to focus on.

  • It's a type of happiness that's a reward for good work done.

  • TAP believes that the purpose of the universe -

    • is the truth pursuit.

  • Everything exists -

    • to generate important info -

      • and to evolve intelligence to get to the hidden truth within the info.

  • It takes work and effort to identify the truth within the info.

  • Whether false truth is identified or real truth found -

    • both help fulfill the primary objective.

  • The individual human being gets the reward of increased happiness for the effort.

  • Maybe only a blip up and then fleeting quickly -

    • that blip of happiness -

      • positively impacts the single mind and life.

  • The long-term reward is understanding and knowledge based more on truth -

    • that will ALWAYS provide long-term advantage to the person.

  • Don't be fooled by short-term gains.

  • You do NOT exist -

    • to be 100% selfish.

  • We each are here to -

    • add a small component of truth -

      • to the overall understanding of all truth.

  • We are each a potential contributor -

    • to a single overall evolving truth story.

  • In my search for a better understanding of happiness -

    • I made several discoveries.

  • First, that the truth pursuit -

    • is baked into our DNA.

  • Every human being -

    • unconsciously and continuously -

      • seeks the truth -

        • of all things -

          • they are aware of -

            • in the world and universe.

  • TAP will tell you that this is true for all forms of intelligence -

    • across the universe.

  • As intelligence evolves,

    • this primary objective of the universe -

      • becomes more conscious.

  • Awareness and purpose of everything become clearer.

  • Second, that happiness is the reward for the work -

    • that any individual gives the objective.

  • It takes time and effort -

    • to pursue the truth.

  • And personal happiness is the reward -

    • for the effort given.

  • Third, but happiness is NOT automatic and guaranteed -

    • instead something else is key -

      • to being able to self-generate the happiness -

        • within one's mind and body.

  • That key something else is:

    • feedback.

  • Feedback from another or other perceived intelligence.

  • We say perceived intelligence -

    • because it need NOT be actual intelligence.

  • E.g. concepts like angels, souls, Gods, ghosts, pets with advanced perceived intelligence, etc -

    • all fulfill that feedback need,

      • for many individuals.

  • The feedback entity need not be real.

  • The mind only need -

    • think it real.

  • The feedback itself can be almost anything:

    • data

    • info

    • story

    • a vision

    • a sign

    • a dream

    • a thought

    • etc.

  • The feedback need NOT be positive feedback -

    • negative feedback is often just as good.

  • Meaning -

    • when we learn something is non-truth -

      • it in of itself is truth.

  • So re the truth pursuit -

    • both polar extreme types of feedback -

      • can evoke happiness.

  • The less helpful feedback is the type that falls between the two extremes:

    • uncertainty

    • misunderstanding

    • mixed signals

    • misinformation

    • disinformation

    • bad context

    • confusion

    • lying

    • deception

    • etc.

  • The mind that seeking the truth -

    • has much to assess -

      • with each component of feedback.

  • We must separate the good sources from the bad sources.

  • Fourth, the need for feedback from reliable sources -

    • clearly explains why socialization -

      • is so vitally important to beings that possess intelligence.

  • It's the primary way to get the absolutely essential feedback.

  • Fifth, and the more relationships established the better.

  • It's very much a numbers game.

  • Because there's no guarantees that feedback response will come -

    • from the effort and communication (comm) we initiate.

  • Within almost everything we create,

    • in our minds,

      • re comm -

        • lies some element of truth pursuit.

  • Mostly unconscious design -

    • we are always testing truth hypotheses -

      • on those we comm to.

  • How do they feel about this or that?

  • In the end, will you trust others or yourself?

  • Most people trust the crowd and not their own minds.

  • Sixth, the numbers game -

    • explains why most people -

      • will do almost anything to become famous.

  • Celebrities have larger feedback pools -

    • than do non-famous individuals.

  • The larger the comm audience -

    • the greater the chances to get meaningful and helpful feedback.

  • Everyone seeks to maximize their happiness!

  • Almost no one understands -

    • all this hidden primary objective -

      • of seeking the truth.

  • Seventh, but it only requires one entity -

    • to provide us empathetic feedback -

      • to get the survival feedback.

  • It does not even need to be a real person.

  • For many , God is all that is needed.

  • Comm with God -

    • then look for signs in the real world or dream feedback.

  • But those real-world relationships with real people -

    • giving real comm feedback -

      • just seem a little better.

  • Now imagine, if we could get real feedback -

    • from a real alien of another world.

  • To be able to tap into their world's reality -

    • and understanding of the universe,

      • especially their understanding of truth.

  • What might this do to our understanding of universal truth?

  • [maybe more coming]