Chapter 019 - 2020.11.21

  • Today I will write about...

  • [I had something I thought of,

    • was distracted,

      • and now cannot recall.]

  • [It will come back to me.

    • It was something new,

      • I had not written extensively about before.]

  • Funny...

    • Over 24 hours has passed,

      • but I just recalled what I wanted to write about...

  • Universal Rules & Laws!!!

  • NOT universal to all humans -

    • instead universal to all advanced intelligence in the entire universe.

  • Simply imagine that we humans -

    • are not the only lifeforms with advanced intelligence -

      • across the universe of multiverse.

  • Imagine a set of rules & law that work -

    • no matter what civilization you belong to.

  • This is the type of universal law I'm referring to.

  • Imagine a court and set of judges who resolve issues between different civilizations -

    • made possible -

      • because of laws that work independent of where your civilization exists.

  • When considering universal law -

    • the first thing I think of -

      • is time & space should have no bearing on law.

  • Universal law should automatically establish equality:

    • across all time

    • acoss all places.

  • More evolved intelligence has no greater right than -

    • lesser evolved intelligence.

  • Existence time should also NOT provide advantage.

  • Being the first to discover some new possibility -

    • should also NOT create ownership rights -

      • this one you should immediately detect -

        • as a mistake in today's human civilization.

  • Imagine an even older civilization and more advanced intelligence group of aliens contacting us humans -

    • and telling us that -

      • because their civilization discovered and put to work -

        • almost every technology that exists in our world today -

          • we owe them gigantic use-payments.

  • And if we don't comply -

    • they will push a button -

      • and evaporate planet Earth.

  • Our human laws & rules -

    • make no sense this way -

      • as universal law.

  • It's evidence -

    • that human civilization law of today -

      • is just selfish short-term illogic.

  • Universal law cannot disadvantage those who have not evolved as far yet.

  • Think about universal law -

    • being established by a single core universal object of everything in the universe -

      • both physical and non-physical.

  • Namely,

    • the truth pursuit.

  • Think about the concept of universal truth -

    • vs. just what truth is from the POV of humanity.

  • TAP believes -

    • the only way to establish universal truth -

      • is by including EVERY perspective all EVERY form of intelligence.

  • Intelligence does not just exist within living beings.

  • We are all now aware of Artificial Intelligence (AI.)

  • It too must be included -

    • to thoroughly define:

      • universal law

      • universal truth.

  • It's easy to imagine that maybe with advanced intelligence comes:

    • more logic

    • less emotion

    • less selfishness

    • more balancing

    • long-term sustainability

    • greater efficiency

    • less wastefulness

    • more equality

    • less entitlement

    • more different perspective

    • etc.

  • These concepts vs. their opposites -

    • just seems intuitive and obvious.,

      • especially when thinking across all time and space of our universe.

  • So we have a tangible starting place for imagining:

    • universal truth

    • universal law.

  • TAP believes that everything:

    • thought of

    • imagined

    • designed

    • invented

    • innovated

    • engineered

    • created -

    • already existed as possibility in the universe -

      • prior to the mind discovering the possibility.

  • Intelligence does NOT create out of thin air -

    • instead it only discovers that which eternally exists -

      • across all time and space in the universe.

  • This belief and general concept -

    • has HUGE implications when thinking about universal law.

  • The concept of 'ownership' requires fundamental reconsideration.

  • TAP simplifies everything -

    • by eliminating ALL the different types of ownership possibility.

  • TAP replaces the concept of ownership with -

    • temporary-usage rights or T-UR.

  • TAP divides the universe into two primary realms:

    • 1) physical realm

    • 2) non-physical realm

  • T-URs apply within both realms -

    • as well as the ALL things that fall within both realms,

      • like software products, services and/or experiences.

  • Universal law establishes law and rules for:

    • 1) individual intelligence beings

    • 2) group intelligence entities

  • Mostly created on the basis of T-URs.

  • In the TAP world, T-URs only apply of beings while alive -

    • because TAP disallows AI that can initiate anything -

      • on its own without a living being initiating an AI response.

  • This is a critically important distinction -

    • because human beings today -

      • have created AI that can do things with its own intelligence.

  • This is HUGELY problematic -

    • NOT only for our world,

      • but also for the whole universe.

  • So TAP's universal law prohibits the creation of this type of self-initiated AI.

  • AI exists in the TAP world and is extremely useful,

    • but response-only AI -

      • that can never run amuck in the world or universe.

  • Response-only AI or ROAI -

    • ALWAYS requires a real person(s) or a living intelligent being or entity -

      • to ask something of the ROAI avatar -

        • to get it to respond.

  • Who would have thought -

    • that universal law -

      • MUST include the possibility of AI being a fundamental concept of law?

  • [maybe more coming - just ask smart questions]