Chapter 008 - 2019.05.09

  • For reasons I will not disclose -

    • I reached out to a particular old friend -

      • about the great opportunities my latest project was creating.

  • On this particular day,

    • my wife sent an apology email to this old mutual friend.

  • There was great misunderstanding and hurt feelings -

    • generated from the apparently poor communication I had attempted.

  • I sincerely thought I was relaying positive news -

    • for both him and his family -

      • as well as the whole world.

  • What I did not know about my friend -

    • was his core beliefs -

      • and especially how they connected to a more global set of beliefs.

  • What I had explained to him to be truth -

    • rocked his world of truth -

      • and more importantly would negatively impact his heritage story.

  • This chapter is about pretending -

    • that real truth is something other than -

      • what we hope it really is.

  • My friend emphasized in me -

    • the great importance of this very delicate and provocative 'balancing act' of life.

  • Human beings do a lot of pretending -

    • make make it through daily life.

  • When is pretending good vs. bad?

  • It's very important to establish the rules or situations -

    • as a whole civilization -

      • with common interests.

  • Is it possible to establish what is common interest -

    • or better yet -

      • purpose and objective(s) agreement?

  • TAP exists to attempt -

    • to do exactly this.

  • For, if this can first be established as a reference -

    • then establishing when pretending is bad vs. good -

      • becomes a much simpler next step.

  • Now after more than a year -

    • our friend has attempted to repair the damage.

  • We thank him for this extra effort,

    • but it's quite clear -

      • that what happened -

        • and what both sides understand and believe to be truth -

          • and disagree on -

            • will never allow us to get back to where we once were.

  • Are we actually better off now knowing the truth of the other?

  • Or was our ignorance of the truth that exists only within our minds -

    • and focusing on our agreement things -

      • a better relationship approach?

  • TAP hypothesizes that focus on agreement -

    • and not on disagreement is better.

  • Be aware of the disagreement,

    • but don't focus on it.

  • My friend rejected TAP without studying it.

    • He concluded it was bad because of what I believe to be truth.

  • He suspect he will never make the time to learn more about TAP.

  • It's OK!

  • I cannot let him alter what I attempt to do to help the whole world,

    • especially his kids and grandkids,

      • with my TAP work.

  • I'm at peace with the better understanding of my friend's logic.

    • His logic is even sound for his situation in our world.

  • No matter what the situation -

    • with logic and better understanding of truth -

      • evolves long-term world improvement.