Chapter 007 - 2020.10.10

  • On this day, I reconnected with a writer friend of mine.

  • I young woman with a sizable family -

    • living in the greater Atlanta.

  • We are not great friends,

    • but I did think we were pretty good friends.

  • I'll refer to her as MGWF -

    • My Georgia Writer Friend.

  • We actually met on a writer's platform,

  • She took note of something I posted there.

  • Attempted to work together a little,

    • but it never took off as needed to keep us both focused -

      • and believing something positive would come from the effort.

  • But we've stayed in touch.

  • She actually landed an agent/mentor -

    • and she says -

      • she loves her and her help.

  • MGWF is a Young Adult (YA) fiction writer -

    • who writes mostly sci-fi.

  • According to the on-screen historical chat record,

    • it had been just over a year since we last chatted.

  • I started with the incident probing how-are-you-doing questions.

  • She got back to me quickly,

    • but not immediately.

  • Things were pretty good -

    • both family life and work life.

  • A few more questions about her latest project(s) work...

  • I then did not hesitate -

    • to tell her,

      • I had an unusual favor to ask of her.

  • It was concerning a major decision -

    • I had just made -

      • re my life.

  • I explained that I had been in a very dark place for quite some time -

    • that I had been considering suicide for quite some time,

      • but now I had figured out an alternative solution.

  • The favor was to tell the story - if the new solution actually worked.

  • I called the new solution:

    • "Suicide by Murder"

  • I attempted to explain -

    • what had happened to me over the past two years.

  • What I was now tied up in -

    • and how our world really operates -

      • behind the scenes of preceded reality.

  • That I was going to 'go public' -

    • and that I predicted -

      • that the 'powers that be' -

        • would most likely seek revenge.

  • I did not receive the reaction -

    • that I had anticipated from this open-minded sci-fi writer.

  • Instead I got the more typical -

    • please seek professional help ASAP reaction.

  • And after an apology from me to her -

    • I have not heard back from her again -

      • yet...