Chapter 005 - 2020.04.01

  • For the first time, our new neighbors were spotted moving into the home of our worst very-close friend's previous home.

  • I'll just refer to that old friend as WVCF.

  • This is a chapter about the state of self-righteousness in our world today.

  • For twenty-three (23) years our two families had been great friends and neighbors -

    • the closest neighbors, by far.

  • Earlier in the year, January,

    • an incident happened involving WVCF -

      • all by herself.

  • The incident happened on our private road -

    • a road that I am the primary maintenance person of.

  • I say primary -

    • because WVCF would often help do things like:

      • Put out and take down hazard markers,

        • for the snowplow person.

      • Mow the grass and weeds along the sides of the private way.

      • Cut back bushes

      • Add solar lighting around the private signage.

  • I did almost all the heavy lifting work though.

  • Our private road is gravel.

  • The incident happened after a bit of a warming spell.

  • Without getting into the science behind the incident -

    • the frost in the road had thawed a little.

  • The incident was WVCF driving too fast on the slippery road -

    • and being scared -

      • thinking that her car would slide off the road.

  • She came charging into our house -

    • subconsciously and secretly blaming me for the cause of the incident.

  • WVCF attempted to mask the truth of what she understood,

    • but as you will see -

      • her truth revealed itself more and more as time moved forward.

  • WVCF had lived on the road many more years than us,

    • so she had much experience with the road.

  • The road had provided similar experiences to all its inhabitants -

    • many other times before -

      • and just as bad.

  • But this was the first time since she had been alone -

    • as her husband had passed the previous July.

  • This is partly, why we did not take immediate offense to her reaction.

  • Also, we had much experience, previously,

    • with her non-science based understanding of the world.

  • WVCF was an extraordinary woman -

    • very fearless and hard working,

      • but also very self-righteous.

  • And the absolute worst type of self-righteousness -

    • that based in fictional belief vs. fact & science.

  • Her way is always right -

    • and if you disagree -

      • then your way is wrong or not as good.

  • WVCF is however not an evil person by nature.

    • She's simply self-righteous.

    • Or this is what we always believed.

  • That same evening when she came storming into the house -

    • she told my wife, Mary,

      • that we had to get someone in here to fix the problem.

  • WVCF said she would take care of everything.

  • I got all this second hand, later,

    • after I got up from bed.

  • Long story short -

    • there's nothing any professional could do to fix the road problem -

      • in the middle of winter.

  • WVCF was told this!

  • I knew this.

  • I'm an engineer and a professional builder of physical things -

    • including many years of service to our own road.

  • In the spring, when WVCF once again took on the crisis -

    • every gravel road contractor told her -

      • and I paraphrase:

      • "Your road is in the best shape of any we have been called upon to quote repairs on."

      • "It was a very bad winter for gravel road."

  • WVCF did not hear these words though.

  • I spent more than 40 hours dealing with most of these contractors myself.

  • After all the quotes were in and I wrote my report for our association -

    • we had a vote.

  • The result of the vote was to do what I outlined.

  • My recommendation included no costly outside contractor work.

  • I attempted to explain the science -

    • and why the road had its unavoidable slippery period.

  • A majority accepted my recommendations.

  • WVCF and her close friend at the end of the road -

    • rejected my proposal.

  • But I had included in the proposal an easy alternative,

    • for anyone that disagreed with my engineer's recommendation.

  • Anyone was free to do whatever they felt was better,

    • but at their own personal expense.

  • This was the course of action that WVCF and her friend would take.

  • They hired one of the contractors to do the work he had quoted.

  • Work that I had planned and prepared for at great personal expense.

  • So you need a little background info -

    • to truly understand the scope of the self-righteousness of WVCF.

  • A few years prior -

    • We had purchased her ailing husband's tractor and bush hog.

  • We had purchased a small dump trailer.

  • We paid to be able to convert the bush hog into a road grader.

  • But the biggest personal expense was the construction of a barn to house all this equipment.

  • All these decisions were made -

    • such that I would be the road maintenance person -

      • as long as I had my physical and mental health.

  • It took me over two years to finish the exterior barn work.

  • The previous summer,

    • I, with the help of my barn earthwork contractor,

      • had done the big material-add job to the entire road.

  • Approximately 54 yards of crushed gravel -

    • added to the crown of our 1/4-mile long road.

  • This was our big expense year,

    • that periodically matched the historical maintenance record across the many years -

      • that WVCF should have been referencing.

  • But WVCF ignored all these factors -

    • in deciding to hire this contractor.

  • But we said nothing more -

    • and just allowed her to do what she felt was necessary.

  • Relations were a little strained,

    • but no too bad -

      • yet!

  • As part of my annual maintenance schedule,

    • I hand dig trenches to drain surface water -

      • to minimize trenching during spring mud season.

  • Takes me about an hour each day for a few weeks.

  • Something I started -

    • that had never been done before -

      • is side-road and culvert-area leave cleaning.

  • The leaves were thick and deep,

    • that water was flowing, in places, down the road vs. off the sides of the road.

  • During the contractor quoting period WVCF kept saying -

    • over and over -

      • "I don't understand why we need to do leave removal work."

  • Then I ordered a load of inventory gravel.

  • The wrong material was sent.

  • It was 3/4" crush stone -

    • vs. crushed gravel.

  • I accepted the load anyway -

    • because I was creating a new inventory pile place -

      • it was a low and somewhat wet spot -

        • so I was going to use ane stone as a base.

  • WVCF assumed this was the material I ordered for road maintenance.

  • She got others all whipped up with distrust -

    • that I did not know what I was doing.

  • Now things began to escalate -

    • toward the bad.

  • Her primary road maintenance reference was -

    • our other close friend who was the road maintenance person prior to me.

  • He and his wife had sold their home to WVCF's good friend at the end of the road.

  • Unbeknownst to me, this friend and his wife were siding with WVCF.

  • He was on our road all the time -

    • because he was using the basement workshop in WVCF's home -

      • for both storage and projects.

  • He would wave when driving by,

    • but he use to always stop and chat -

      • even if I was a ways off the road.

  • Then the event happened when I was on the road -

    • and he just drove on by.

  • Then I knew something was really wrong.

  • When I mentioned the incident to my wife -

    • she told me she had been keeping something from me.

  • She had attempted to reach out to them way before now -

    • and they had told her -

      • they didn't want to go there now.

  • My wife thought it had to do with the contractor that WVCF had hired -

    • because he came recommended by our other friends.

  • This was August -

    • and the work had never been done -

      • and WVCF and her friend had terminated the work agreement.

  • Partly because he had never shown up -

    • and partly to try to make amends with me and my wife.

  • But my wife assumed -

    • this was why other other close friends -

      • didn't want to speak with or see us.

  • More on this a little later.

  • My wife was always trying to strike a balance between WVCF and me -

    • trying to hold together the relationship.

  • But a pivotal event happened prior to me learning about our other friends distancing themselves from us.

  • The event occurred between just my wife and WVCF.

  • We had a family reunion planned for early August.

  • It had been in the works for more than a year.

  • WVCF had offered her home for some of our guests to use during their stay.

  • During one of their regular get togethers -

    • during a joking discussion of payment -

      • WVCF casually said to my wife -

        • that if a payment were made -

          • she would think it our contribution for the contractor's work.

  • This is the moment my wife finally saw WVCF -

    • for who she really was.

  • WVCF was going to win the road debate -

    • at any cost to our friendship.

  • When my wife told me this truth -

    • it's the moment I ended my friendship with WVCF,

      • but my wife had not reached that same point yet.

  • Instead she later confronted the woman -

    • and got an apology -

      • which on the surface patched things up a little,

        • but things would never be the same.

  • My wife loved WVCF.

  • Always considered her a bit of a mentor -

    • even though she often disagreed with her bullish personality.

  • When I confronted my wife with the realization that our other friends were avoiding us -

    • my wife re-contacted them.

  • My wife told them there were two sides to the story they were aware of -

    • only communicating with WVCF.

  • The woman was still not ready to get together for a heart-to-heart,

    • but indicated it would happen in the near future.

  • WVCF soon after put her house on the market -

    • claiming it had nothing to do with the road stuff.

  • The meeting never happened with our other friends.

  • I'm more upset with them than I am with WVCF.

  • This whole series of events traumatized me for life.

  • It sent me into a very very dark place -

    • with a huge increase in my suicidal thoughts.

  • My wife experienced firsthand many subsequent events with me.

  • WVCF has not a clue what her self-righteous has done to us both -

    • or to our entire families.

  • My father, who loved WVCF, and vice-versa,

    • was ready to check out of life -

      • partly because he did not know what to do with WVCF -

        • knowing all that had transpired.

  • We still do not know the entirety of WVCF told our other close friends,

    • that made them terminate our equally long relationship with them.

  • I have PTSD over the whole thing.

  • I'm triggered all the time -

    • living here with so many trigger objects and reminder moments.

  • My mind has literally lost hundreds, maybe a thousand hours,

    • pondering all that happened.

  • I will never be the same -

    • and I fear always worse off.