Chapter 16 -

human beings

  • First know that I am one .

  • I have mostly all the same problems and limitations.

  • But I'm also quite alien here amongst everyone else.

  • Often, the best way to really understand -

    • who human beings really are -

      • is to compare to something else that really exists.

  • I've noted in several research events,

    • I've recently undertaken -

      • that this question of -

        • what does it mean to be human? -

          • keeps showing up.

  • How are we different than other animals and primates?

  • What sets us apart?

  • We can also look elsewhere:

    • How are we different than God or god(s)?

    • How are we different than aliens?

  • As an alien,

    • I might be able to give some good perspective -

      • that might be helpful.

  • Humans are evolving -

    • hopefully, overall, I believe -

      • toward something better -

        • than worse.

  • But what is better vs. worse?

    • This MUST first be agree to.

  • We MUST establish a common objective and/or purpose.

  • This is why a tool, like TAPable -

    • is so important to build and launch.

  • But allow me to, once again -

    • state what TAP believes to be the purpose of humanity -

      • as well as others of the universe -

        • gods and/or aliens.

  • We are here playing an intelligence survival game.

  • Adding our human understanding perspective -

    • of what might be truth -

      • to the overall story being co-created.

  • So right vs. wrong and good vs. bad -

    • ultimately, involves -

      • what will keep humanity in the game.

  • [more coming]