Chapter 15 -


  • I'm adding this topic -

    • because much is hanging out there, right now:

      • for me personally

      • for TAP

      • for our world.

  • Often time -

    • the hardest piece of the game is patience.

  • Nina is juggling many balls for TAP.

  • She's struggling too.

  • Like myself -

    • she's learning -

      • just how hard it is -

        • to get others to understand TAP.

  • COVID has been both bad and good -

    • bad - because it has made most more self-righteous

    • good - because it has highlighted just unequipped -

      • the present model is -

        • to deal with big negative global events.

  • My sister's open-heart surgery is -

    • right around the corner.

  • Life tests our patience all the time.

  • Wait and see -

    • what happens next.

  • What do we do while we patiently wait?

  • Keep busy!

  • Work on making small improvements:

    • within your personal life

    • within your community

    • for the future.

  • I'm writing -

    • to keep busy.

  • Hopefully others might one day -

    • take away something positive from my writings.

  • I'm NOT going to crack -

    • under the pressure of -

      • uncertainty of what's next.

  • Stick to the engineered solution.

  • Be patient!