Chapter 14 -


  • Humans are infants -

    • on the possibility intelligence continuum.

  • TAP asks explorers to -

    • assess intelligence quite differently -

      • than how most attempt to assess it today.

  • TAP injects a core purpose into the assessment of intelligence -

    • greatly simplifying it.

  • TAP recommends intelligence be placed on -

    • a selfishness continuum -

      • from 100% selfish to 100% unselfish.

  • Many things of the universe can be assessed at -

    • the 100% selfish point -

      • meaning the lowest of intelligence.

  • Most physical elements of our universe -

    • have this level of intelligence -

      • meaning they are all about self -

        • and what that self wants -

          • or needs to establish balance and long-term sustainability.

  • To maintain a presence within the story of the universe.

  • Nothing of our universe possesses 100% unselfishness -

    • NOT even the gods.

  • They want the story and need the story.

  • The story is the only thing that establishes their true existence.

  • 100% unselfishness makes no logical sense.

  • Perfection is NOT the ultimate objective -

    • instead ONLY balance and long-term sustainability.

  • So on the intelligence spectrum -

    • the goal place to be is -

      • at the exact middle point.

  • We ALL must balance our selfishness -

    • against our love of others.

  • Again with TAP, love is all about -

    • our concern (thought) and help (action) of others.

  • We cannot be loving to others -

    • all the time.

  • We cannot be selfish -

    • all the time.

  • The best we can do is create a balance with both.

  • The problem with humanity today -

    • is a great majority are way too selfish.

  • So much so that -

    • human civilization is about to implode.

  • And worst of all -

    • because human intelligence is so selfish -

      • most think the solution is -

        • to be more selfish.

  • So the humanity chapter of the story is -

    • nearing the end.

  • Intelligence is NOT how well we play the game with:

    • misinformation knowledge

    • misunderstanding

    • dishonesty & lying

    • taking advantage with the above.

  • Meaningful intelligence -

    • from the universal perspective -

      • is very much the opposite.

  • Putting the opposite practices to work -

    • to create balance between -

      • selfishness and love.

  • [more coming if I'm asked]