Chapter 11 -


  • The transhumanism community believes -

    • human physical immortality -

      • is really possible.

  • Maybe it is -

    • maybe it isn't -

      • it doesn't really matter.

  • TAP's here to tell 'you' that -

    • non-physical (virtual) human immortality is -

      • really possible and -

        • possible now!

  • TAPable already has the architecture groundwork done.

  • It just needs to be coded and launched.

  • Virtual immortality will soon be a no-brainer choice -

    • to be made by each and every physical citizen -

      • born into the world.

  • Right now many will be scared of the real possibility.

  • TAP's virtual immortality is really simple though.

  • It just involves if and how you want your TAP avatar -

    • to interact with others -

      • after your physical body dies.

  • First, understanding the limitations of afterlife encounters...

  • TAP avatars are a different form of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • TAP AI is response-only AI -

    • meaning TAP can NEVER initiate anything.

  • TAP AI can ONLY respond -

    • when called upon -

      • by a real living human being -

        • to do something.

  • 'Your' TAP avatar will be able to do many different things:

    • Morph into any life-time age representation

    • Morph into one or more aspiration character beings

    • Speak in real specified-age voices

    • Answer 'personal thought' questions

    • Prioritize case-lists

    • Send out personalized:

      • event:

        • greetings

        • congratulations

      • personalized wisdom messages

      • virtual travel-discovery trip postcards

    • 'Vote' or contribute to real-world groups

    • Etc. etc.

    • The cosmos is the limit

      • has tech progresses so -

        • will the possibilities 'your' avatar -

          • will have at its disposal.

  • A big piece of life in the near-future will be -

    • building 'your' TAP avatar.

  • This will forever change the concept of 'suicide consideration'.

  • Now 'you' will also have to think about -

    • killing 'your' avatar too.

  • TAP believes this alternative possibility alone -

    • will radically improve our real world.

  • At this time, TAP discourages the focus on physical immortality.

  • Let's build the virtual first -

    • and get it right first.

  • It will be far less costly and -

    • far more helpful for overall human civilization.

  • [more coming - if 'you' ask for more]