Chapter 10 -


  • To imagine alternative possibility is easy.

  • To transition toward it very difficult.

  • People both like and dislike change.

  • They like positive change and -

    • fear negative change.

  • The problem is -

    • they mostly fear uncertainty.

  • And most everything that is different -

    • is first met with uncertainty.

  • TAPable is a tool -

    • for the very first meeting of awareness -

      • of alternative possibility.

  • It's a tool for learning what might be best.

  • TAPable finds the best possibility -

    • within the present momentary understanding of the group.

  • But more important than this -

    • it a new type of better understanding education tool.

  • Most people don't explore the 'alternative possibility' realm.

  • It's a realm that -

    • crosses over and connects the other two realms of our universe.

  • We can focus on alternative possibility of physical things -

    • like new energy systems.

  • We can focus on alternative possibility of non-physical things -

    • like new unhackable digital systems.

  • Then there are those things that things that directly impact both realms -

    • like new economic systems or new infocomm systems -

      • that significantly impact both realms.

  • Humans naturally seek improvement and betterment -

    • but for what core purpose?

  • Today's civilization model teaches and rewards -

    • selfishness and short-term personal gain & advantage.

  • TAP's model attempts to balance these realities with love of others.

  • So how do we best transition from the one to the other?

  • This is the key question.

  • TAP will tell you it all begins with changing how we think and understand.

  • Improve this first!

  • Clean up the infocomm.

  • Greatly reduce the error in infocomm.

  • Truth is impossible,

    • so don't even attempt to work with it -

      • as a concept.

  • Instead focus on and utilize honesty.

  • Honesty can and does include error.

  • TAP's OK with this.

  • If the tool's primary objective is to reduce error -

    • in the popular important infocomm -

      • then this is a good thing.

  • We ALL must agree that error in infocomm is bad -

    • for the future of humanity.

  • Or at least most of us.

  • It's actually OK -

    • if some prefer to maintain knowledge and understanding with error.

  • TAPable will find the signal within the noise that contains error.

  • TAPable encourages ONLY honesty -

    • from its TAPpers.

  • Sharing our honest understanding and beliefs is -

    • one the easiest and natural things that -

      • ALL of us can and want to naturally do.

  • We are ALL natural social beings -

    • who want to share -

      • and try to convert others minds.

  • We seek positive feedback of our own understanding and beliefs.

  • Negative feedback helps us too -

    • it sometimes nudges us into changing our minds.

  • Transitioning minds is a natural evolutionary process.

  • The great thing about the non-physical realm is -

    • change is possible in an instant -

      • like a mutation in the physical realm.

  • We each have far more control -

    • of the non-physical though.

  • Humans are social beings -

    • we tend to mirror others -

      • so 'thought change' ripples through society.

  • Positively transitioning our objectives of our civilization model can -

    • happen much more quickly than -

      • positively changing any physical system within it.

  • So this is a good first-step objective of transitioning.

  • TAP step-one transitioning:

    • 1) Explore alternative improvement possibility.

    • 2) Build awareness in all possibility.

    • 3) Prioritize ALL the possibility.

    • 4) Learn what is the signal - best possibility.

    • 5) Spread awareness of the best possibility.

    • 6) Continuously repeat 1-5.