Chapter 09 -


  • Knowledge is NOT what's important.

  • What's more important is understanding knowledge.

  • But today's knowledge is full of errors,

    • so we have a major problem.

  • Most everyone of today's world will tell 'you' -

    • knowledge MUST be built with 'truth'.

  • TAP will explain -

    • there is NO static truth in the universe.

  • Both truth and knowledge are dynamic ever-changing infocomm objects.

  • The very best we can do -

    • to play the game -

      • is to accurately understand the present version of these objects.

  • Then ALWAYS question their inherent 'truth' -

    • ALWAYS looking for errors.

  • ALL knowledge can be viewed as a story -

    • or a chapter in a book.

  • With TAPable -

    • every word that makes up knowledge -

      • is changeable in time.

  • Our universe is a place to explore -

    • especially with our minds.

  • 'You' will help humanity -

    • and be a winner in the game -

      • when you help impact a change in the TAPable knowledge objects.

  • This does NOT mean 'you' -

    • must be the original discoverer -

      • though new discoveries -

        • of positive alternative possibility -

          • are especially important.

  • 'You' can make a positive impact -

    • just by finding better understanding -

      • then reprioritizing ALL the possibility.

  • Do this with deep thought -

    • whenever 'you' can.

  • Otherwise 'your' avatar might do it for 'you' -

    • by mirroring others -

      • that 'you' believe to be GREAT deep thinkers.

  • 'You' MUST understand the whole TAPable solution -

    • to MUCH improved infocomm knowledge.

  • How it automatically finds the very best knowledge -

    • in the moment and for the moment.

  • How it might change in the future.

  • The knowledge and understanding tools we use -

    • are critically important.

  • People will always tell stories with errors.

  • But tools and processes can -

    • constrain and limit the human error.

  • This is NOT AI -

    • its just harvesting the signal in the noise -

      • of human knowledge and understanding.

  • [maybe more coming soon - if others want to go deeper]