Chapter 08 -

implicit bias

  • TAP will explain that we are NOT born with implicit bias -

    • instead these negative biases of our world -

      • are all learned through experience and education.

  • The model that establishes today's world -

    • has a foundation built with all these biases.

  • All major systems thus have these too.

  • TAP will introduce 'you' to a different type of competition -

    • one that does not incentivize the:

      • we are better than them mentality

      • we deserve more than them.

  • The new solution is inclusive of both -

    • the present and the future.

  • Humanity is NOT just who exists today.

  • Humanity includes those who come next -

    • as well as those who come in the distant future.

  • Just consider the purpose of the universe -

    • and 'you' created into it -

      • and your purpose within it all.

  • You are born with potential for both -

    • goodness and evil.

  • Goodness is love -

    • and evil is selfishness and superiority.

  • Humans are presently -

    • far from being the best they can be.

  • They are way to selfish and closed-minded.

  • Though we want to be gods and immortals -

    • we have a long way to good to -

      • get remotely close to these.

  • It can only happen with more open minds -

    • with equality across ALL time and space -

      • across ALL all beings with intelligence:

        • present

        • future

        • other worlds.

  • Implicit bias is simply -

    • closed mindedness.

  • A key discovery made -

    • when exploring the possible -

      • game of the universe -

        • was the GREAT importance -

          • of ALL perspectives of -

            • honest understanding and honest knowledge.

  • We will only advance our understanding -

    • by understanding other perspective and alternative possibility.

  • This MUST include the exclusion of implicit bias.

  • 'You' only contribute to the game.

  • 'You' will NOT win the game.

  • The best 'you' can do is to be -

    • a winner while playing the game -

      • during 'your' time in the game.

  • 'Winners' MUST have open minds.

  • They MUST see others -

    • as teachers vs. competitors in the game.

  • Even the close-minded can teach us valuable honesty -

    • and especially the present reality.

  • Self-righteousness is one of the greatest evils of the game.

  • Listen more and speak less -

    • watch, explore and question EVERYTHING.

  • Be a generalist vs. a specialist -

    • for NOT until 'you' understand it ALL -

      • will you really understand anything.

  • There's NEVER one thing alone -

    • that will make 'you' a winner.