Chapter 07 -

the story

  • Look just ten (10) years into the future.

  • TAPable has been in global culture for most of these years.

  • Humanity's single voice has stabilized -

    • for many many different important cases.

  • We now have established dynamic important infocomm objects -

    • that tell stories of both stability and change.

  • We have our present quantified measure of humanity's intelligence.

  • It has improved slightly -

    • since first starting TAPable.

  • We have many GREAT reference TAP case-lists:

    • What might be universal truth?

    • Universal laws

    • Our human priorities

    • Most important questions

    • Our human values

    • Our purposes

    • Purpose of the universe

    • Today's biggest problems

    • etc. etc.

  • Each and every one of these case-lists help establish our new identity.

  • We have these IDs as:

    • one humanity

    • as nations

    • as regions

    • as communities -

      • physical & virtual

    • as interest groups

    • as families

    • as individuals

  • Demographics-based identity has mostly gone away.

  • Now society thinks about people and groups -

    • by their mindfulness, understanding & beliefs.

  • Far less important is our:

    • race

    • gender identity

    • age

    • language preference

    • education level

    • job

    • income

    • etc.

  • The Internet is now divided into two realms:

    • commerce realm

    • free-for-the-taking realm

  • Everyone has 100% control of which sandbox they play in -

    • at any moment in time.

  • But ten (10) years in -

    • the story tells us that most people spend a majority of their time -

      • playing in the free zone.

  • Here is where one can easily -

    • maximize their personal happiness.

  • Governance and politics has changed -

    • now the focus is on group agreement -

      • automatically established without a word of debate.

  • There's still much debate happening though.

    • All the same social media brands still exist.

      • They've just changed a little -

        • with direct connections to TAPable.

  • Everyone now ALWAYS wants to reference -

    • the closet thing to the 'truth' -

      • found within TAPable's case-lists.

  • The want to compare -

    • and especially -

      • to see what humanity says.

  • TAP avatar work has decreased from 99.3%, last year -

    • to 99.1% this year.

  • Meaning more TAPpers are engaging more with personal deep thought contribution.

  • A handful of Deep Thought Leaders (DTLs),

    • all scientists, engineers, technologists, creatives & futurists -

      • are used within almost all personal avatar instruction.

  • Eleven (11) percent (%) of TAPpers spend -

    • more than eight (8) hours per week -

      • enhancing their avatars post-physical life intelligence.

  • Suicide is at one (1) percent (%) of -

    • what is was when TAPable first launched.

  • More than one (1) billion TAPpers -

    • make up the TAP world.

  • Each week now -

    • about one (1) million more join.

  • The US Congress, both houses, just voted -

    • they will be adopting TAPable in the first 2032 sessions.

  • [maybe more coming]

  • [I'd love help expanding 'the story'.]