Chapter 06 -


  • I was recently introduced to the transhumanism movement.

  • I've spent a month or more now getting more familiar with it.

  • I like much about it,

    • but also dislike some of it.

  • I've learned posthumanism is the counter-movement of it,

    • but again,

      • there's aspects to like and dislike -

        • here too.

  • Humans tend to take concepts to their extremes.

  • TAP's here to point out that -

    • there's always a better balancing point -

      • somewhere between the two opposite extremes.

  • From what I've learned about transhumanism -

    • its followers believe that -

      • humans are the superior life form in the universe.

  • TAP will tell you they are NOT this.

  • Instead -

    • humans are just one player in the game -

      • and actually -

        • NOT even close -

          • to being the smartest player.

  • Transhumanism tells a story of great near-future promise for humanity -

    • that with our exponential growth in cultural evolution -

      • we are making GREAT strides forward.

  • It speaks of the many positives -

    • but seems to ignore the many negatives of human civilization.

  • It's proponents are the most fortunate citizens of the world.

  • They don't seem to ever acknowledge the reality that -

    • a great majority of the world's people -

      • are the less fortunate.

  • Like most movements -

    • the less fortunate are ignored.

  • TAP was engineered -

    • advocating first and foremost -

      • for the least fortunate citizens of our world.

  • Transhumanism also seems to ignore -

    • the limitations of reality.

  • It's like their minds live in a world of -

    • endless resources

    • perfectly balanced systems

    • limitless funding

    • healthy ecosystems

    • minimal civilization problems

    • etc.

  • To advance the human being -

    • its perfectly OK to -

      • mow down and eliminate -

        • anything else that gets in the way of their primary objectives.

  • Like everything else in our world -

    • it's real easy to tell the story of a better future world -

      • but its the smooth seamless transition plan -

        • that's the tough piece of the solution process.

  • TAP focuses on the transition plan vs. the end goal.

  • TAPable is TAP's first tangible step in transitioning.

  • Transhumanism is NOT touted as a religion -

    • this is a good thing.

  • It seems to focus on physical realm things vs.

    • non-physical realm things -

      • which TAP will tell you is -

        • a distraction from what is most important.

  • TAP will tell you -

    • forcing physical realm evolution -

      • is very dangerous.

  • Better to focus on and put limited time and energy into -

    • advancing 'honesty understanding' evolution.

  • Natural healthy slowly physically-evolved humans -

    • will ALWAYS be better than -

      • those who have forced manipulation.

  • Today's model has made much of humanity lazy, fat and grossly unhealthy -

    • in both body and mind.

  • Cancer runs rampant in both -

    • body and mind.

  • TAP will tell you that

    • - 'mind cancer' is humanity's biggest problem today.

  • Mind cancer is simply -

    • misunderstanding of the honest reality of -

      • our world, the universe and humanity itself.

  • It's evident in the minds of the transhumanism supporters -

    • by their ignoring critically important factors of the reality of human civilization.

  • The transhumanism movement would greatly benefit -

    • by understanding TAP.

  • TAP addresses all reality and the transition plan to an improved near-future world -

    • of balance and long-term sustainability.

  • Like transhumanism,

    • TAP seeks healthier, longer-living citizens -

      • with advanced intelligence,

        • but not focused on knowledge -

          • instead with balanced selfishness.

  • Balanced selfishness is the better form of intelligence:

    • to focus on

    • to measure

    • to track

    • to report on.

  • It's NOT what happens to a few fortunate individuals of our world -

    • instead it's all about what the story tells -

      • of humanity as one entity -

        • playing it the overall game of our universe.