Chapter 05 -

the adversary

  • I never used this term, the adversary -

    • before meeting the particular TAP 'network' associate -

      • who calls himself -

        • El alien.

  • Yes, we had this in common.

  • El alien -

    • a great proponent of God & goodness -

      • used the term to describe the enemy of God & goodness of the universe.

  • He never clearly stated -

    • exactly what it was.

  • I'll now detail what TAP sees the enemy of the universe as...

  • 'the adversary is:

    • self-righteousness

    • dishonesty

    • secrecy

    • inequality

    • superiority

    • closed-mindedness

    • egotism

    • narcissism

    • vanity

    • condescension

    • spying

    • entitlement

    • etc.

  • These concepts and those who possess and utilize them -

    • are the adversary.

  • There are many who walk our planet today -

    • who fall at various points on the continuum of -

      • adversary vs. ally of goodness

  • Think of goodness -

    • as anything that is more helpful than harmful -

      • toward the primary objective or purpose statement.

  • There's a challenge or battle constantly being wagered in ALL our minds.

  • It's the fight to create balance -

    • between selfishness and love.

  • TAP greatly simplifies the concept of love -

    • by defining it as concern and help action -

      • of others.

  • With TAP -

    • there's NO loving-oneself concept -

      • because love ONLY involves -

        • what someone can do for others.

  • Love is at the core of the game being played out in the universe.

  • Instead of TAP telling 'you' -

    • to love yourself first and foremost -

      • TAP instead tells you to:

        • like yourself

        • respect yourself

        • care for your well being

        • create balance with & within yourself -

          • NOT perfection.

  • It's illogical to love yourself -

    • since TAP's definition of love -

      • does NOT involve anything that you do to benefit yourself.

  • Love is about sacrificing selfishness.

  • The TAP world does NOT -

    • ask for 100% unselfishness -

      • instead, the best anyone can do is -

        • to balance unselfishness with selfishness.

  • Sometimes you will appear selfish to others -

    • in the moment.

  • This is expected of everyone.

  • Unless they dig into your true identity -

    • they will NOT know 'your' whole story.

  • TAPable does allow for this type of identity generation -

    • and lifetime storytelling.

  • For many it's the key to -

    • determining who should get what -

      • at in moment in time.