Chapter 04 -

Who gets what?

  • I have many concepts to share,

    • but thought this one might be poking at 'your' mind now.

  • Today's world is one of 'marketed entitlement' -

    • meaning that 'everyone' is -

      • told that they can have EVERYTHING.

  • Just more lies heaped atop of the endless lying.

  • TAP's here to tell 'you' -

    • "You can't have it all!"

  • NOT because 'you' are less than anyone else -

    • instead because -

      • it's logically impossible!

  • So the answer to Who gets what? -

    • depends on:

      • availability

      • time constraints

      • 'your' values & priorities

      • 'your' willingness to sacrifice -

        • from time to time

      • 'your' understanding of everything in the universe & purpose

  • The greatest challenge to humanity, right now , is -

    • transitioning or evolving our understanding & intelligence.

  • The ONLY way humanity is going to survive itself -

    • has little to do with anything of the physical realm -

      • and everything to do with what's going on in our minds.

  • So allow me to break the focus question into two pieces:

    • 1) Who gets what - physical realm stuff?

    • 2) Who gets what - non-physical realm stuff?

  • Today's world emphasizes the stuff of #1.

  • TAP's world asks EVERYONE to focus on #2.

    • The more important things of life are the #2 things.

  • TAP actually injects GREAT improvement into the #2 things -

    • mainly with better understanding,

      • but also with wonderful new possibility things.

  • But let's, for now, focus on what 'your' mind -

    • was trained to focus on -

      • given the model 'your' mind was educated with.

  • Who gets what - physical realm stuff?

  • The physical realm is very constrained.

  • Our planet has grown smaller in time -

    • as the human population has grown exponentially.

  • This is a major major problem -

    • that is still avoided today.

  • The only realm of our universe that can handle exponential growth is the non-physical realm.

  • In the sister realm exponential growth ALWAYS -

    • ends in implosion.

  • In the long history of the evolution of humanity -

    • we are experiencing the final moments -

      • before the implosion point.

  • Can it be avoided?

    • YES!

  • Must the human population be drastically reduced?

    • NO!

  • Do things have to radically change for the worst?

    • NO!

    • They MUST change -

      • for the betterment of next generations.

  • We are out of balance in so many ways.

  • To bring everything important to overall civilization sustainability -

    • we MUST prioritize what is most important -

      • and sacrifice what is least important.

  • We MUST believe in one thing that makes us all one entity -

    • playing the game -

      • that is being played out -

        • across the entire universe.

  • Understanding of one common purpose is ESSENTIAL!

    • TAPable exists to establish this one thing.

  • Everything else we can disagree on.

    • It's OK to disagree.

    • But we MUST focus on our agreement points.

  • TAP's going to encourage humanity's purpose is this:

    • 1) Humans are NOT the only intelligence in the universe.

    • 2) We are one player in a game being played out across the entire universe or multiverse.

    • 3) We may lose (be self eliminated) in the game - if we don't play correctly.

  • That's it!

    • Might ALL humanity -

      • across the entire world -

        • across indefinite time and space -

          • AGREE on this?

  • Or something similar?

  • TAP hopes so.

  • With this core purpose -

    • the main purpose for 'you' -

      • to be created into this universe -

        • is to help assure humanity survives -

          • as one game player.

  • Back now to -

    • Who gets what?

  • 'You' will get what 'you' think is required to fulfill 'your' purpose.

  • 'You' will sacrifice other possibility.

  • So 'sacrifice' is essential to the long-term survival in the game.

  • Without it -

    • being part of 'your' mantra -

      • 'you' will be assessed to be an adversary of humanity -

        • in the game.

  • Every human being born into the game -

    • has free will -

      • to be helpful or harmful within the game.

  • In the TAP world and game -

    • Who will get what? -

      • is left up to 'you'.

  • Will 'you' take the possibility thing now -

    • or sacrifice for others to have it?

  • This is 'your' daily challenge -

    • in playing the game.

  • In the TAP world -

    • how 'you' play the game is monitored.

  • TAP's NOT a secretive world -

    • it's an open and transparent world.

  • Players play with honesty and self-respect.

  • Much less to hide from others understanding 'your' truth.

  • Sometimes 'you' are in control of -

    • Who gets what?

  • Much of the time others are in control of -

    • Who gets what?

  • When the physical realm thing has limited quantity or availability -

    • the mind in control -

      • assesses ALL who want the limited thing.

  • The person(s) who ultimately get the limited thing -

    • are those who have played the game better.

  • Often times, meaning -

    • those who have sacrificed more -

      • will move to the top of the candidate list.

  • Ultimately rules are subjectively interpreted -

    • and put into practice in reality -

      • co-creating reality.

  • In the TAP world, ultimately -

    • reality is -

      • that individual minds decide -

        • Who gets what?

  • So the deeper question that needs to be pondered is -

    • What will the unhappy or misinformed (bad understanding) mind -

      • in the game -

        • do?

  • We often unknowingly -

    • teach by example -

      • of our own beliefs, decisions and actions.

  • We are all teachers.

  • How 'you' play the game -

    • matters greatly.