Chapter 03 -


  • With god(s) and money -

    • established as a base context -

      • now let's bring into this story the pandemic crisis.

  • Did God send COVID-19?

    • Did he feel it was important to -

      • teach us something about money and/or our economic system?

  • TAP will tell 'you' neither of these played a role -

    • in COVID-19 just showing up.

  • It's much the same as asking -

    • Why is there cancer in our world?

  • Things exist because they are possible.

  • The universe makes them possible.

  • The universe has NOT predefined -

    • what emerges within it.

  • It just contains a whole bunch of possibility.

  • Some possibility MUST emerge via evolutionary process -

    • meaning its impossible -

      • until a time that other things have come to be.

  • This is true within both realm of the universe:

    • physical realm

    • non-physical realm

  • There exists in our universe -

    • things that are impossible today -

      • that in the future will naturally emerge.

  • E.g. during the period of the dinosaurs -

    • digital technology was impossible -

      • coming from the minds of the dinosaurs.

  • Our universe is all about the journey of -

    • non-physical realm discovery -

      • within the evolution of the physical realm vessel.

  • Think of the physical realm vessel being only -

    • necessary to make possible the non-physical realm.

  • So the non-physical is the real purpose or objective.

  • Which makes logical sense -

    • because until there exists awareness and communication -

      • between at least two (2) intelligences -

        • the physical has no logical meaning or purpose.

  • Purpose is HUGELY important within our universe!!!!

  • What the hell does any of this got to do with COVID-19?

  • Plenty!

  • COVID-19 is nothing new.

  • It was predicted to show up again -

    • and soon.

  • It's NOT, the last, really bad thing to show up either.

  • Everything in our universe is interconnected.

    • ALL physical things are interconnected with all other physical things.

  • All non-physical things are interconnected to all other non-physical things.

  • But most important -

    • ALL non-physical things interconnect with ALL physical things -

      • NOT the other way around though.

  • Many physical things do interconnect with non-physical things.

  • Most everything humans create within the physical realm -

    • first started within the imagination.

  • But a star exploding in our galaxy -

    • was NOT impacted by 'your' thought.

  • But that star could very well impact 'your' thoughts.

  • COVID-19 has definitely impacted most peoples' thoughts.

  • COVID-19 thought has generated things like vaccines.

  • We could have been -

    • and should have been -

      • far more prepared for ALL aspects of this pandemic :

        • medical

        • economic

        • governance

        • educational

        • emotional

  • Perhaps COVID-19 exists -

    • simply to help our minds evolve -

      • so we better understand the reality of:

        • our world

        • our universe

        • alternative possibility

  • Maybe it's NOT all bad?

  • TAP is engineered knowing that more bad -

    • is lurking around the corner of time.

  • Far worse days are ahead -

    • if we do not prepare now.

  • A better model exists today: TAP.

    • We simply need to transition to it.

  • It has been stated -

    • by minds other than my own -

      • that COVID-19 might have been a good thing for TAP.

  • Because it helps to underscore the great need for change.

  • For me personally,

    • the worst thing about COVID-19 is -

      • the infocomm that emerged because of it.

  • More terrible infocomm -

    • piled atop way too much awful infocomm.

  • Today's world is mostly a big fat lie!

  • Lies to sell needless economic shit to people.

  • Lies in invoke fear.

  • Lies to take advantage.

  • Lies to control minds and bodies.

  • With the TAP economy -

    • this lying is NOT necessary.

  • It's NOT beneficial to those of the present -

    • that in turn benefits more -

      • those coming next.

  • The foundation of any civilization is its infocomm.

  • Concrete made of lies -

    • is a foundation that will soon fall apart.

  • Our civilization is full of cracks today.

  • COVID-19 is just added weight -

    • one more big straw added to the bucket.

  • COVID-19 would NOT be a big problem -

    • if we humans possessed better immune systems.

  • NOT everyone is getting sick.

  • There are many in the world that have adequate immune systems -

    • to naturally take care of COVID-19 -

      • and all mutations that are to come next.

  • But this honesty story does not sell fix-it products and services.

  • Our whole world is designed to generate problems to sell fixes for.

  • This is the present economy.

  • This is the present unnecessary civilization model.

  • [maybe more coming - if questions are asked.]