Chapter 02 - money

  • Today's civilization paradigm reality -

    • is mostly all about money.

  • What does your God have to say about money?

    • Was money a key component of his grand design for the universe?

  • TAP does NOT believe that the god(s) specifically injected money into the story of the universe.

    • Instead humanity co-created it out of possibility and necessity.

  • Money was created long ago by intelligence that was extremely self centered and greedy.

    • and NOT much has changed since.

  • The typical human, even today, focuses on -

    • maximizing money with minimal time and effort.

  • Mostly because -

    • the economic system solution of the model -

      • is designed with endless upper bounds.

  • The money 'powers-that-are' creator-controllers -

    • simple just keep creating more and more.

  • What happens when money can't just be increased?

    • This is a core concept of the TAP model.

  • 'Money regulation' happens -

    • NOT directly by the short-term decision -

      • of any person or group.

  • Instead it is regulated by -

    • the long-term sustainability design of the model.

  • With TAP money creation and deletion is extremely regulated.

  • First 'you' probably are wondering -

    • What's money deletion?

      • It's the removal of money from the economic model -

        • when events happen.

  • What events initiate money deletion?

  • Two different types of events:

    • 1) a human body dies

    • 2) periodic economic cycle 'omega' happens

  • With #1 money-deletion event -

    • it's important to understand that -

      • in the TAP world -

        • humans have two stages of life:

          • stage 1 - physical realm life

          • stage 2 - non-physical realm (virtual) life

  • A human requires no money in stage 2 of life.

  • With #2 money-deletion event -

    • EVERY omega timestamp of the periodic economic cycle -

      • ALL world currency is deleted.

  • Money is however -

    • instantaneously recreated -

      • at the 'alpha' -

        • which happens immediately after the omega.

  • TAP is unaware of any other -

    • human civilization model -

      • in history or fiction to date -

        • that deals with money -

          • in such a manner.

  • TAKE NOTE!!!!

    • This is core difference of the TAP model.

  • Deleting and renewing ALL currency -

    • establishes a wonderful new solution -

      • to MOST ALL civilization problems.

  • It establishes a world where -

    • money is NOT the most important pursuit.

  • But money is still critically important -

    • to help civilization deal with the realties of the world.

  • There have been some who have -

    • imagined the world with NO money.

  • TAP could NOT see a solution with NO money.

  • Money has a very important role in civilization.

    • It just has never been done 'correctly' or 'best'.

  • For TAP -

    • 'correctly' or 'best' means:

      • unselfishly

      • endless balance

      • long-term sustainability

  • There are numerous problems with the way -

    • past and today's economic system works.

  • But NOT until you see a side-by-side comparison -

    • will you fully understand the problems.

  • TAP exists -

    • so this side-by-side comparison can be done.

  • Most humans are intrinsically over optimistic -

    • when it comes to personal life -

      • luck and good fortune.

  • They are the worst when it comes to -

    • realistic planning and preparation.

  • EVERY day, the news is filled with -

    • stories of poor planning -

      • of obvious negative next-step events.

  • As an alien thinker and planner -

    • I'm always astonished at the 'surprise factor' reported.

  • All these negative events are clearly inevitable next-step events -

    • of this failing model -

      • we ALL are participants and contributors to.

  • I know, but we are ALL powerless!

    • WRONG!!!!

    • ERROR!!!!

  • TAP is sitting -

    • right here for the taking.

  • Money is just one important component -

    • of the overall interconnected model of civilization.

  • There are alternative solution -

    • that offer GREAT overall civilization improvement opportunity.

  • There are dozens of other related economic concepts -

    • to weave into a new economic model.

    • But first money itself MUST be improved.

  • Here's just some of the other improvement concepts:

    • No future money -

      • comes naturally with money deletion or what TAP calls 'zeroing'

      • No loans

      • No $ ROI (Return On Investment)

    • No insurances -

      • TAP economic life is done in the present moment

    • No taxes -

      • instead usage fees

    • No ownership -

      • instead only 'temporary usage' law & rules

    • No corporations -

      • instead TAPcollabs

    • No jobs -

      • instead 'valued activity'

    • No social security -

      • instead TAP's universal living stipend

    • TAP's economic fuel =

      • endless imagination & creativity

    • TAP's economic objectives =

      • max efficiency - unattainable goal > 100%

      • min wastefulness - unattainable goal > 0%

    • Other TAP economic objectives:

      • robust maintenance design -

        • instead of throw away & replace

      • mechanize ALL possible

      • computerize ALL possible

      • roboticize ALL possible

      • response-only AI

      • minimize human-based physical realm work effort -

        • humans do the much needed non-physical realm creativity work

          • increasing efficiency & decreasing wastefulness

          • alternative world-improvement exploration-discovery creativity

          • low physical resource consumption activity:

            • rest activity

            • exercise activity

            • sexuality activity

            • learning activity

            • budgeting activity

            • governance activity

            • socialization activity

            • leisure activity

            • competition activity

            • love activity = helping others

            • passions activity = personal purpose-pleasure activity

            • after-physical-life preparation activity = TAPavatar building-improvement

  • There's MUCH for ALL humans to do in the TAP world.

    • But the focus is NOT on an economic 'person-based jobs' design.

  • With the TAP model -

    • everything natural and evolutionary is -

      • in positivity alignment -

        • aligning toward overall improvement.

  • Very different than today's economic model -

    • where humans compete against technological advancement -

      • where the vast majority of people -

        • suffer from tech advancement.

  • In the TAP world -

    • ALL citizens get the exact same base stipend, but -

      • there's still -

        • a means to work toward increasing one's money income.

  • It's just far more controlled and regulated.

  • It cannot create GREAT imbalance with money.

  • The new money design solves other problems too:

    • 1) corruption

    • 2) illegal activities

    • 3) money secrecy-transparency

  • TAP money is 100% digital-virtual.

  • Every unit of it is 100% trackable across all time.

  • Because ALL money is periodically zeroed and renewed -

    • it GREATLY simplifies the trackability issue.

  • Within ALL economic cycle periods -

    • ANYONE can see the full history of transactions -

      • with any unit(s) of currency.

  • Economically and financially, the TAP world -

    • is 100% transparent.

  • Just imagine what this means to criminal activity involving money.

  • Every transaction MUST make perfect sense to every exploring mind.

  • The money police are the people.

  • Anyone at any time can explore any component of money.

  • All this means a new global digital currency infrastructure is required -

    • but NOT a big technical challenge.

    • More a global political challenge.

  • Another important concept of the TAP economic model is -

    • 'diminishing currency'.

  • This concept stems from how ALL commerce items:

    • products

    • services

    • experiences -

      • have two pricing components:

        • 1) physical realm material-energy component

        • 2) human time-effort-labor component

  • The #2 component stays in the cycle.

  • The #1 component is deleted from the cycle.

  • The net result is -

    • as economic cycle time progresses -

      • money naturally diminishes.

  • This is in complete alignment with -

    • the fact that all cycle currency will go to zero -

      • regardless of the specific cycle activity.

  • One more design innovation -

    • mandatory balanced budgeting.

  • Made possible with today's basic digital technology.

  • Mandatory balanced budgeting means -

    • EVERY 'money entity' -

      • citizen or group -

        • MUST create financial balance.

  • It's a critical component of -

    • Who gets what?

  • The TAP world operates from the premise -

    • there ALWAYS exists limited physical-realm EVERYTHING:

      • time

      • money

      • physical resources.

  • With this reality and fact -

    • NOT EVERYONE can have EVERYTHING!!!!!

  • So it's critically important -

    • for any civilization to have -

      • a simple solution for -

        • Who gets what?

  • Too complex to provide details at this time -

    • stay tuned.

  • ALL these alternative possibility TAP economic-model design-solutions -

    • interconnect to establish a very very different money world.

  • [maybe more coming - if anyone wants to learn more alternative possibility by going deeper]