Chapter 01 - god(s)

  • TAP believes there is no one God,

    • but 'the alien' ALWAYS,

      • is the first to admit,

        • that it may be wrong about EVERYTHING it thinks & shares.

  • If there is however something -

    • like a divine superior intelligence of our universe -

      • then it would NOT -

        • be a single entity type being.

  • TAP believes, it MUST be at least two (2) beings.

  • Mainly because -

    • intelligence requires at least two -

      • to tango (dance).

  • Nothing really exists until it is shared -

    • with at least one other.

  • Set aside the notion -

    • of one or two or more gods.

  • TAP believes that we each -

    • possess the potential to be a god of the universe.

  • No super powers though.

    • No physical immortality either.

  • But, we can positively impact -

    • the one story being co-created by EVERYTHING.

  • But, as we have the potential for good -

    • we also have the potential for evil.

  • So, not only are we a potential god,

    • but also a potential demon.

  • I know of persons -

    • who are obsessed with the concept of God -

      • who speak of the adversary of goodness and God -

        • who are actually more adversary to goodness than servant of God -

          • as they claim.

  • Though they speak a good story -

    • they actually secretly act as the adversary of humanity.

  • They secretly monitor humanity's civilization for adversaries -

    • in the name of God.

  • TAP believes that no human should ever be given this power or authority.

    • Humans can never, alone,

      • separate their selfishness from the good of ALL humanity.

  • In the case at point -

    • demonstrated by secrecy and the invitation to help -

      • to a select few humans.

  • TAP believes, if there really are gods -

    • then they do NOT employ:

      • secrecy

      • exclusion

      • self-righteousness

  • Humanity today, seems to think that an AI can be built -

    • to establish godlike perfection.

  • It's a huge waste of time.

  • TAP believes, the very best, that can be built is -

    • AI that helps the unique human mind.

  • Help each person -

    • stay of the path of goodness -

      • and off the path of harmfulness.

  • AI can NEVER do better than the human mind -

    • when it comes to imagination and creativity -

      • of new possibility of improved goodness.

  • Our purpose, in this universe is -

    • to help bring about improvement -

      • for those who come next -

        • ALL others -

          • not just a select few -

            • and especially future others.

  • NOT for ourselves -

    • or our people.

  • When we finally figure this out -

    • is the moment we become a better type of god.