World Saving?

What do 'you' believe will happen next to bring about substantial world improvement?

This is how 'the alien' prioritizes the possibility:

  1. Purpose of the universe is revealed

  2. A whole new way to communicate gains popularity

  3. A new way to establish automatic compromise emerges

  4. Recognition of 'limitation' establishes controls of everything

  5. Money is finally limited & controlled

  6. A viable solution to asteroids>meteors is functional

  7. Agreement becomes more important than disagreement

  8. A new economic system is adopted

  9. A real afterlife world is established

  10. A new and improved AI is created

  11. A new technology emerges

  12. A new energy discovery

  13. A new food source is discovered

  14. One very smart human will become an accepted world leader

  15. Aliens will help save us

  16. All religion is eliminated

  17. Cancer is cured

  18. A drug that cures all health problems is invented

  19. Mutants with superpowers really evolve

  20. 2nd coming of Christ