Human Overpopulation Control?

What do 'you' believe to be the best solution?

This is how 'the alien' prioritizes the possibility:

  1. Improved problem understanding

  2. Better science & numbers re balancing everything

  3. Improved equality

  4. A new economic model

  5. Less wastefulness

  6. Virtual sex

  7. Virtual offspring

  8. Virtual afterlife

  9. [more possibility coming]

  10. [more possibility coming]

  11. [more possibility coming]

  12. Birth control regulation

  13. Improved birth control

  14. [more possibility coming]

  15. [more possibility coming]

  16. [more possibility coming]

  17. Viruses

  18. Diseases

  19. Survival of the fittest

  20. Money decides

  21. God takes care of this

  22. It's NOT a problem

  23. Everyone is terminated at a particular age