Greatest Problems?

What do 'you' believe to be the greatest problems of today's world?

This is how 'the alien' prioritizes the possibility:

  1. Dis-misinfo & misunderstanding

  2. Mind health

  3. Secret organizations running world

  4. Fear mongering

  5. Climate change

  6. Corruption

  7. Today's currency system

  8. Wealth power

  9. Self-righteousness

  10. Egotism

  11. Human overpopulation

  12. Food & water security

  13. [more possibility coming]

  14. [more possibility coming]

  15. [more possibility coming]

  16. Conflict & war

  17. Poverty

  18. Inequality

  19. Economic opportunity

  20. Corporate greed

  21. Implicit bias

  22. Voter suppression

  23. Ownership

  24. Capitalism

  25. Democracy

  26. Police reform

  27. Black Lives Matter

  28. [more possibility coming]

  29. [more possibility coming]

  30. [more possibility coming]

  31. President Trump

  32. Russia

  33. China

  34. Iran

  35. US Supreme Court

  36. Religion

  37. Abortion-rights debate

  38. 2-party political system

  39. Housing sprawl

  40. Forestry management

  41. Wildfires

  42. Political correctness