Future Improvement?

What do 'you' believe to be the best future world improvement realities?

This is how 'the alien' prioritizes the possibility:

  1. Much better truth-based understanding

  2. Balance of everything across all time

  3. Process improvement diminishes human error

  4. Each mind has 100% control of important info authorship

  5. New digital global currency in place

  6. New global economic model in place

  7. Human-based 'jobs' no longer important

  8. Continuous world-improvement promise exists

  9. Hierarchical leadership eliminated

  10. Corruption eliminated

  11. Honesty & truth abound

  12. Openness & transparency abound

  13. Free life education

  14. Personal AI does 99% of work

  15. Real afterlife virtual world exists

  16. Regulated & limited capitalism exists

  17. Good governance exists in every type of group

  18. Positive creativity quickly gains awareness

  19. Personal happiness abounds

  20. Self-respect abounds

  21. [more possibility coming]

  22. [more possibility coming]

  23. [more possibility coming]

  24. Psychographic-based identity replaces demographic-based identity

  25. Selfishness balanced with selflessness

  26. Ownership replaced with temporary usage

  27. Corporations replaced with collaborations

  28. Implicit bias shifted to psychographic attributes

  29. [more possibility coming]

  30. [more possibility coming]

  31. [more possibility coming]

  32. Ego still exists

  33. Self-righteousness still exists

  34. Primary objectives = wealth & power

  35. Class difference still exists

  36. Status quo business & life