DEAL: Tool 03

'improve infocomm today' solution

Version 1.0 February 2021


There's something all of us can start doing, right now, to improve infocomm - while we wait for TAPable to be built and launched. It's a few simple changes we ourselves can do and demand of 'important information' generation and communication.

Why use it?

  1. To begin, right now, to feel impowered toward world goodness and improvement objectives.

  2. To become a teacher-practitioner of the DEAL & TAP 'improvement movement'.

  3. To start demanding better infocomm from society's leadership NOW.

Who is it for?

Ultimately we want today's world leadership, at every level of self governance: government, business, education and family unit - to change the status-quo, universally-accepted, terrible and less-than-best practices, that are eating away at balance and long-term sustainability of humanity.

'The people' have the power to demand this, but we MUST first walk our demands - and lead by example. So we can each change our own ways dealing with - the generation and consumption of 'important information'.

How long does it take?

The change can happen within 'you' right now. It will take many of us to get high-level leadership to can though. But with a critical mass of demanders, especially within media, this can happen within some sectors and at some levels of society, as soon as this year. E.g. within your own families or small community groups.

How many people is it for?

It's ultimately for everyone. It's a solution for tackling the great problems within infocomm, of the negative effects of:

  • self-righteousness

  • egotism

  • selfishness

  • lying & skewing facts to get advantage

What materials do you need?

This is a change within our minds and infocomm relationship actions. No materials are required.

What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?

Simply to understand the core principles of the approach of the solution. When it comes to generating and communicating 'important info':

  1. STOP ALL real-time demand of 'important info' from leadership -

    • meaning with ALL leadership reps, stop live one-on-one or many-on-one:

      • interviews

      • debates

      • Q&A sessions

      • impromptu response requests

  2. Demand thoughtful-mindful written responses -

    • from carefully prepared-crafted,

      • expert 'response team' co-created,

        • contextualized questions priority lists.

  3. Reject infocomm response requests that -

    • are NOT, also, thoughtfully-mindfully prepared.

    • Create a competition out of the response opportunity whenever -

      • multiple parties seek similar 'important info' response.

      • Choose the one best list of smartly organized questions.

  4. Allow sufficient response deliberation and preparation time.

  5. Always demand written response -

    • as a minimum response format component -

      • even if the primary response is to be orally delivered.

  6. If oral live delivery is important, consider a professional spoken rep actor(s) -

    • with expertise in delivery -

      • both substantive & emotional components.

    • Deliver exactly what and how was co-created by the response team.

  7. STOP demanding leadership be 'good on their feet'.

    • Instead elect and erect leaders that will adopt this alternative solution with important infocomm product.


This solution was just one of many discovered by 'the alien' on its multi-year journey in the realm of alternative possibility.


  • TAPable (video outline slideshow)

  • TAPable (website)

  • TAPable mock-up tool (demo)

  • Demo submission form (Google form in English)

  • TAP website (old & provocative)