DEAL: Tool 01

TAPable & TAP

Version 1.0 ([February 2021])


TAP identifies the core problem of today's world as: Misunderstanding due to very poor quality infocomm, especially with regard to 'important information'. TAPable is a new infocomm tool that directly tackles the dis-misinfo problem.

Why use it?

  1. Use it to - generate group voice. Where every member is an equal. Where hierarchical leadership is eliminated. Where EVERY member's personal voice is always counted equally.

  2. Use it to - establish improved identity. Where ID is established based on honesty and facts. Where ID cannot be easily manipulated. Where everyone carries one honest ID everywhere they go.

  3. Use it to - co-create improved reference data. Where a single voice for ALL of humanity is established. Where the focus is on agreement. Where humanities' understanding can be tracked across time.

Who is it for?

TAPable is for every single unique-minded person of our world, especially the less fortunate. Use it to improve personal daily life. Use it to generate more personal happiness in life. Use it to better our world by improving understanding and alternative improvement possibility infocomm.

How long does it take?

TAPable is very evolutionary. It first and foremost understands that the great majority of ALL people of our world are most often too busy to participate. Too busy struggling for survival. A new form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is included within TAPable. Once signed up, 'your' personal avatar will do everything 'you' are called upon to do - if 'you' cannot directly engage. But over time, TAPable looks to get everyone to directly engage and to find better understanding with deeper thoughtfulness and honesty reference data.

Our demo takes each participant - as little as five (5) minutes to complete.

How many people is it for?

TAPable can handle any size group - from as few as two (2) minds to billions of minds. It works exactly the same regardless of the number of participants.

What materials do you need?

'You' (or just a facilitator) need a digital device and an internet connection to participate in a demo experiment.

What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?

In theory, once the TAPable platform exists a facilitator is not required. But at this stage of development a facilitator is encouraged - to:

  • form a TAP/TAPable awareness group

  • briefly explain the example case-list

  • collect participant input data

  • enter the data into the mock-up spreadsheet tool

  • disseminate group voice resultants to participants

  • explore further - the group's agreement


TAPable was discovered as alternative possibility that naturally exists in the non-physical realm of our universe. It's NOT owned by any human or alien world. It's free to be adopted by or modified by anyone or any group. It was discovered by a human called 'the alien'. The work of 'the alien' was discovered by Antonio 'Nina' Rovayo. TAPable emerged after both discoveries and continues to evolve. Others are trying to help it evolve. We thank everyone who is helping to grow awareness and further develop the TAPable digital-tech platform tool.


  • TAPable (video outline slideshow)

  • TAPable (website)

  • TAPable mock-up tool (demo)

  • Demo submission form (Google form in English)

  • TAP website (old & provocative)