DEAL: Story 03

TAP: Freedom of Speech vs. Speech Regulation

What's TAP got to say about creating a balance between Freedom of Speech & Speech Regulation?

Our world today reveals extreme imbalance within its important infocomm.

There's actually too much freedom and acceptance of use of dis-misinfo. Our understanding is based on many lies.

TAP does NOT blame people, but instead the infocomm tools that make up the model human civilization.

Humans cannot be easily controlled. They will always push the bounds of everything - in both directions.

TAP believes, the trick to establishing balance, no matter what the system, is within tool design vs. mind manipulation & control.

TAPable is just a tool. A game with rules. It's an alternative important infocomm tool in the toolbox. NOT something to replace anything else, but instead a tool that can be adopted or ignored. 'You' are free to decide which.

At first glance, TAPable, appears very strange and alien. It doesn't work like any other status quo infocomm tool, especially today's social media. Users cannot communicate in a manner they are use to. There's no easy way to generate hate speech. No way to bully someone who appears, thinks or communicates content differently.

TAPable is all about establishing agreement - NOT just one type but two types. TAPable can find and highlight the agreement that always exists between any two (2) or more minds - even between the worst of enemies - individuals or groups.

TAPable is different because it does NOT rely on hierarchical leadership or debate. It's designed such that each participant shares in silence and deeper thought. And each and every participant has equal impact power potential.

TAPable requires no pre-established rules or laws of what is right vs. wrong or good vs. evil. It does not generate any static or universal 'truth'. Instead, it simply establishes honesty of understanding - in the moment.

TAPable exists to tell stories of 'understanding evolution'. In time, it will hopefully tell a story of humanity understanding & reality improvement - because of honesty increase and dishonesty decrease.

It's detailed design encourages and incentivizes honesty - and discourages and penalizes dishonesty. It's design is smarter than the typical human mind - because it understands the honesty of the typical human. Just one (1) example is it prevents the human from speaking its identity. Instead participant ID is automatically established. Also every player carries a single ID at all times - wherever they go and whatever they do. In the TAP world, 'you' cannot be one thing here and another thing over there. When 'you' do freely make a change in 'your' own ID - it instantly gets expressed everywhere.

We humans do continuously change our minds throughout life - often times, in the same day. We continuously become aware of, learn and understand new possibility. TAPable was designed to work seamlessly with this reality.

TAPable does not care what you understand and believe at any moment in time. All it asks is that you be honest.

The game helps you find your happy place(s) in the world of thought - to establish your core identity. But TAPable recognizes that we all learn best when we listen to and understand alternative possibility. So though you are based in like-minded places - TAPable ALWAYs exposes your mind to this alternative - maybe better - possibility.

The TAPable video - to be co-created soon - attempts to describe TAPable as a signal-in-noise filter-finder tool. Where the noise is all possibility and the signal is the best next-step possibility - but within improved honesty-based understanding.

TAPable encourages and rewards imagination and positive creativity - when the intention is 'the signal'. TAPable discourages noise creation. As this pertains to 'Freedom of Speech' - TAPable rejects negative creativity that's NOT logical fulfillment of the intended important infocomm case. Within TAPable a case is the infocomm sought. E.g. What's going to save our world? - or - What might be universal truth?

With TAPable participants contribute their personal honest thoughts - then as time marches forward the signals naturally emerge. Maybe the emergent resultant jumps around in position, a bit at first, but soon stabilizing - until the day imagination and new better positive creativity show up - disrupting present awareness and understanding. So something might be quite stable for years - then some new discovery or negative world event changes what is the signal.

[Please, ask further smart questions - within the commenting herein.]