DEAL: Story 01

DEAL & CHT Podcast

TAP's reaction to hearing this podcast.

I just finished listening to this podcast:

  • 29 – A Renegade Solution to Extractive Economics

It was awesome!

Greeting... I'm 'the alien' of TAP.

So much of what both sides - Doughnut Economics & Humane Tech - shared in the podcast aligns perfectly with TAP & TAPable's work.

Balance is the primary objective.

I heard a lot about the great importance of purpose too.

Some incredibly important factors were not mentioned. I'm NOT complaining - it just gives TAP an opening to compare and bring focus to some slight differences in approach.

Most initiatives focus on the obvious and non-provocative components of human civilization. TAP is different because - it does not side-step these other HUGELY important interconnected issues.

Probably the most provocative issue being human overpopulation for the specific model. But also money itself, especially when talking economics - the currency system solution is a core issue. If you dig in deep enough to TAPable and TAP - you will find that TAP directly tackles these types of civilization issues too. TAP provides alternative detailed seed solutions - to make direct side-by-side comparisons with. Making it both easier to understand and assess as better or worse.

But at the core of everything of our civilization is its infocomm. Everything else sits upon this foundation - concrete that in today's world is composed of more fiction than fact.

In my opinion, the three speakers of the podcast were each eloquent in the craft of speaking. This is something I was not born with - also something I was unable to acquire through learning and practice. I was once told by a speaking coach, "You are the worst client I've ever had to deal with." This is why I'm 30+ years into this now.

TAP is actually designed for people like me. People who have great minds but disability to be eloquent communicators. TAP believes a great majority of people are more like 'the alien'.

I don't even write very good. Again, most feedback I've gotten throughout my life was - "I couldn't follow what you were saying." I, personally, had great trouble understanding Shakespeare's writing in school. Hopefully someone will write CliffsNotes for TAP & TAPable soon.

TAP exists to be interpreted, reinterpreted, translated and compared. It's just a starting place seed.

TAPable is an actual tech tool that gives equal voice to the otherwise disabled communicators of society - like me.

What I'm good at is problem understanding and solution creation. I often fail at communicating both. But I hold out hope that one day soon TAPable will exist in our world, and that I and others like me, will then have an equal voice in expressing what is better vs. worse - in the game of life.