I've been looking at this specifically from the perspective of upgrading and reinstalling without downloading. It's not trivial, and I recommend you do some cleanup of your gems to minimize the amount of processing/installation that needs to be done (e.g., I had five versions of ZenTest installed; I did 'gem cleanup ZenTest' before doing this). Be careful with 'gem cleanup', though, as it removes all but the LAST version: if you need to support an older version of Rails, manually clean up the versions you don't need.

For posterity, I wrote rbenv-copy-gems.sh to help me do this. It doesn't meet the criteria of this question (it installs from the Internet, not locally), but it's been useful for me as I upgrade or install new version of Ruby via rbenv install.

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As many people have seen, the web version converted lingots to gems. I think I had around 90 lingots, which converted to 4500 gems, but the app also then updates to mirror this. So previously I had 3000 gems on the app and now I have 4500.

I wonder if you could go on a gem spending spree on the app, fill up your freezes and time boosts, basically drain it to zero. Then go on the desktop version and suddenly you're back up to 1000's of gems on the app.

If we look at all the Jekyll versions in Rubygems, we can see that the last version that starts with 3.8 is 3.8.7, which is why my reader can never get a version higher than that as long as they continue to specify ~> 3.8.5.

If you run into a similar situation, you could try removing the gem, looking for an alternative gem, or asking the maintainers if they would be willing to make their gem compatible with newer versions of their dependency. Most gems live on GitHub, where you can open an issue in the repo.

Updating one gem at a time and making sure your app still works after each update makes it easier to troubleshoot issues. If you update all your gems at once, and your app stops working, it could be hard to figure out which gem caused the problem.

RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (in a self-contained format called a "gem"), a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them. It was created by Chad Fowler, Jim Weirich, David Alan Black, Paul Brannan and Richard Kilmer during RubyConf 2004.[2]

The interface for RubyGems is a command-line tool called gem which can install and manage libraries (the gems).[3] RubyGems integrates with Ruby run-time loader to help find and load installed gems from standardized library folders. Though it is possible to use a private RubyGems repository, the public repository is most commonly used for gem management.

Development on RubyGems started in November 2003 and was released to the public on March 14, 2004, or Pi Day 2004.[5] In 2010, the default public repository for gems moved from gems.rubyforge.org to rubygems.org, which is still in use. Also, RubyGems development was moved to GitHub in 2010. Though RubyGems has existed since Ruby 1.8, it was not a part of the standard Ruby distribution until Ruby 1.9.

Since gems run their own code in an application it may lead to various security issues due to installation of malicious gems. The creator of a malicious gem may be able to compromise the user's system or server.[8]

Bundle takes care of the discrepancy to lock the version numbers down to the ones that each version of Rails or each app has defined. It can look through all the gems you have and say okay you have 3 versions of this, I want version X. It does that so you don't have to worry about it.

Is this the most efficient or correct way of setting things then? Or is it better to use gemsets instead? Cause as far as I understand now all my gems are installed in a "global" scope. Also if that's the case (using gemsets) how can I create gemsets for my existing projects (old)?

Nah, no reason to use gemsets anymore because Bundler does everything they do, but in a better fashion. Because your Gemfile is included inside your repository, you always know which gems and which versions to use for each app. That pretty much removes any need for gemsets these days.

My steam wallet has the nessesary funds, but when i select any amount of gems and click on the "next" button in the store dialog a loading indicator is shown and nothing happens. I tried to wait for multiple minutes, but it just keep loading infinitely. It seems the game fails to connect to the steam api or something.

Here's a screenshot:

RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment, from the specific version of ruby, all the way down to the precise set of required gems to run your application. Having a precise set of gems also avoids the issue of version conflicts between projects, which can cause difficult-to-trace errors and hours of hair loss. With RVM, NO OTHER GEMS than those required are installed. This makes working with multiple complex applications, where each has a long list of gem dependencies, much more efficient. RVM lets you easily test gem upgrades, by switching to a new clean set of gems to test with, while leaving your original set intact. It is flexible enough to even let you maintain a set of gems per environment, or per development branch, or even per individual developer's taste!

RVM reduces the complexity of the many facets of ruby development through its command-line API. With RVM, you can have **identical** self-contained environments in your Development, CI, Q/A, Staging, and Production environments. No more hidden gotchas: if it works for one of them, it will work in all of them. With named gemsets, you can reliably and immediately push changes from one environment to another. And, RVM is for Ruby applications, *not just for Rails*! Any Ruby based application will benefit from your use of RVM.

RVM has an extremely flexible gem management system called Named Gem Sets. RVM's 'gemsets' make managing gems across multiple versions of Ruby a non-issue. RVM lets you add a small text file to your application's repository, instead of checking in tons of gems which would needlessly inflate your repository size. Additionally, RVM's gemset management uses a common cache directory, so only one downloaded version of each gem resides on disk rather than several copies.

Upon opening MTGA through Steam, I went to the store to purchase packs of the new set. Due to the amount of gems needed, I selected the Gems section of the store and selected the amount I needed. The screen goes to the confirm button, but after confirming, the window goes back to the store instead of the screen to confirm payment details. I am not able to purchase gems regardless of which amount of gems I select. Other buttons in the store work normally.

Bundled gems: The behavior of bundled gems is similar to normal gems, but they get automatically installed when you install Ruby. They can be uninstalled and they are maintained outside of Ruby core.

Every Ruby version ships a specific set of default gems, default libraries, and bundled gems. The following tables show all standard libraries included in the current Ruby version 3.3.0. The data is also available as JSON:

The first two files contain data about all default and bundled gems and which Ruby version comes with which version of the gem. The third file contains data about all the non-gemified standard libraries. The fourth JSON combines the above ones into a single unified list.

To publish new gems, you need to authenticate to GitHub Packages with RubyGems by editing your ~/.gem/credentials file to include your personal access token (classic). Create a new ~/.gem/credentials file if this file doesn't exist.

You can ensure gems will be linked to a repository as soon as they are published by including the URL of the GitHub repository in the github_repo field in gem.metadata. You can link multiple gems to the same repository.

You can use gems from GitHub Packages much like you use gems from rubygems.org. You need to authenticate to GitHub Packages by adding your GitHub user or organization as a source in the ~/.gemrc file or by using Bundler and editing your Gemfile.

For Bundler, add your GitHub user or organization as a source in your Gemfile to fetch gems from this new source. For example, you can add a new source block to your Gemfile that uses GitHub Packages only for the packages you specify, replacing GEM_NAME with the package you want to install from GitHub Packages and NAMESPACE with the personal account or organization to which the gem you want to install is scoped.

The puppetserver gem command is simply a wrapper around the usual Ruby gemcommand, so all of the usual arguments and flags should work as expected.For example, to show your locally installed gems, run:

NOTE: ./target/jruby-gems is not used when running the JRuby spec tests, gemsare instead automatically installed into and loaded from ./vendor/test_gems.If you need to install a gem for use both during development and testing makesure the gem is available in both directories.

By default in Arch Linux, when running gem, gems are installed per-user (into ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/), instead of system-wide (into /usr/lib/ruby/gems/). This is considered the best way to manage gems on Arch, because otherwise they might interfere with gems installed by Pacman.

Bundler allows you to specify which gems your application depends upon, and optionally which version those gems should be. Once this specification is in place, Bundler installs all required gems (including the full gem dependency tree) and logs the results for later inspection. By default, Bundler installs gems into a shared location, but they can also be installed directly into your application. When your application is run, Bundler provides the correct version of each gem, even if multiple versions of each gem have been installed. This requires a little bit of work: applications should be called with bundle exec, and two lines of boilerplate code must be placed in your application's main executable. ff782bc1db

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