Privacy policy for Tanzil application

Privacy Policy of “Tanzil” application

Last Modified: 25 April 2024

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. We’re informing you about our privacy policy to know what information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. This privacy declaration is for the “Tanzil” application. 

“Tanzil” application does not ask for and does not collect any personal information. 

1. Information we collect

We do not collect any kind of personal or anonymous information.

1.1 Permissions:

1.2 Information you provide us directly:

We do not ask and you do not provide us any kind of personal or anonymous information. Any information you enter into app (such as selecting your location) remains on your device and is not submitted to our servers.

1.3 Third party tools:

We don’t share your data with anyone. Sura recitations and Madina print view downloads are performed from API’s. You can review their privacy policy to know whether they log your IP address or any other information. 

2. How we use your information

As we do not collect any kind of information from you, we also do not use any information.

3. Information we share

As we do not collect any kind of information from you, we also do not share any kind of information.

4. How we store your information

We do not collect any information that can be stored.

5. Your obligations

You do not have any obligations.

6. How to contact us

You can contact us using this URL:

You can optionally provide your name and email address at that URL if you want us to reach back to you.