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Peer-Reviewed Publications

2022 Hayes, T., Murtinho, F., Wolff, H., López-Sandoval, M. F., & Salazar, J. Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation. Nature Sustainability, 5(1), 81-88.

2019 Hayes, T., Grillos, T., Bremer, L. L., Murtinho, F., & Shapiro, E.. Collective PES: More than the sum of individual incentives. Environmental Science & Policy, 102, 1-8.

2018 Hayes, T.M and Murtinho, F. Communal governance, equity and payment for ecosystem services. Land Use Policy 79:123-136.

2017 Murtinho, F., Hayes, T.M. Communal participating in Payment for Environmental Service (PES): Unpacking the decision to enroll. Environmental Management 59(6) 939-955.

2017 Hayes, T.M., Murtinho, F. and Wolff, H. The impact of payments for environmental services on communal lands: An analysis of the factors driving household land-use behavior in Ecuador. World Development. 93: 427-446.

2015 Hayes, T.M., Murtinho, F. and Wolff, H. (2015) An institutional analysis of Payment for Environmental Services on collectively managed lands in Ecuador. Ecological Economics 118: 81-89.

2015 Hayes, T.M. Murtinho, F. Cardenas Camacho, L.M. Crespo, P, McHugh, S., Salmeron, D. Can conservation contracts co-exist with change? Payment for ecosystem services in the context of adaptive decision-making and sustainability. Environmental Management. Online Oct 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-014-0380-1

2013 Murtinho, F., Eakin, H., Lopez-Carr, D. and Hayes, T.M. “Does External Funding Help Adaptation? Evidence from Community-Based Water Management in the Colombian Andes. Environmental Management 52(1103-1114).

2012 Hayes, T.M. Payment for Ecosystem Services, Sustained Behavioral Change, and Adaptive Management: Peasant Perspectives in the Colombian Andes. Environmental Conservation 39(2), 144-153.

2012 Murtinho, F, & Hayes, T.M. Adaptation in Resource-Dependent Communities: A Call for Greater Methodological Clarity in Adaptation Field Research. Society & Natural Resources Journal 25: 513-522.

2010 Hayes, T.M. and Persha, L. “Nesting Local Forestry Initiatives: Revisiting community forest management in a REDD+ world.” Forest Policy and Economics 12: 545-553.

2010 Dressler, W., Büscher, B., Schoon, M., Brockington, D. Hayes, T. Kull, C., McCarthy, J. and Streshta, K. From hope to crisis and back again? A critical history of the global CBNRM narrative. Environmental Conservation, 37(01), 5-15.

2009 Hayes, T. M. “A Challenge for Environmental Governance: Institutional Change in a Traditional Common-Property Forest System.” Policy Sciences 43(1) 27-48.

2008 Hayes, T.M., and Murtinho, F. “Are Indigenous Forest Reserves Sustainable? An analysis of present and future land-use trends in Bosawas, Nicaragua” Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 15(6): 497-511.

2008 Hayes, T.M. “The Robustness of Indigenous Common-Property Systems to Frontier Expansion: Institutional Interplay in the Mosquitia” Conservation and Society (6)2: 117-129.

2007 Hayes, T. M. “Controlling Agricultural Expansion in the Mosquitia: Does Tenure Matter?” Human Ecology (35)6.

2006 Hayes, T.M. “Parks, People, and Forest Protection: An Institutional Assessment of the Effectiveness of Protected Areas” World Development (34)12: 2064-2075.

2005 Hayes, T.M. and Ostrom, E. “Conserving the World’s Forests: Are Protected Areas The Only Way?” Indiana Law Review (38)3: 595-617.

Book Chapters

2011 Hayes, T.M “Direct Rent Capture in Context of Weak Institutions” In Environment, Climate Change and Land Policies. Lincoln Institute: Cambridge, MA.

Selected Consulting Reports & other Publications

2015 Freguine-Gresh, S. PM., Aubert, T. Hayes, Pesche, D. Lessons from institutional analysis conducted in three Sentinel Landscapes. Technical report prepared for CGIAR.

2014 Hayes, T. Institutional Mapping in the Western Amazon: Research framework and data gathering guide. Presented for CGIAR Sentinel Landscapes Peru, Bolivia, Brazil.

2014 Hayes, T. F. Murtinho and M. Bustamante. Participación comunitaria y conservación de páramo en la sierra ecuatoriana Technical Report prepared for Socio Bosque - Environmental Department of Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

2010 Hayes, T. “Características Principales de los Participantes del Programa Silvopastoril FN-CIPAV” Technical report prepared for Fundación Natura, Bogotá, Colombia August 2010.

2006 Hayes T. “Análisis de la Expansión Agrícola en Miskitu Indian Tasbaika Kum, Bosawas, Nicaragua” Technical report prepared for Miskitu association ADEPCIMISUJIN and Centro Humboldt, Managua, Nicaragua, March 2006.

2006 Hayes, T. “Resumen Comunitario de Banaka: La Expansión Agrícola en el Río Plátano” Technical report prepared for community of Banaka and MOPAWI, Raista, Honduras, February 2006.

2005 Hayes, T. “Análisis de los Vínculos entre los Derechos de Propiedad y la Conservación: Lecciones de la Biosfera Río Plátano, Honduras y la Biosfera BOSAWAS, Nicaragua” Technical report prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, November 2005.