Tanvir Hasan

Research & Data Scientist

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           Email: tanvirfuad00 [at] gmail [dot] com 



Hello everyone! 

Welcome to my personal website! My name is Tanvir Hasan, and I am thrilled to share my academic journey and research interests with you. Currently, I am a first-year M.Sc(Technology) student in Computer Science and Engineering at the prestigious University of Oulu in Finland. I feel honoured to have received both the University of Oulu scholarship and the Nokia Scholarship, which will enable me to pursue my studies at this esteemed institution. Prior to this, I completed my Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from East West University in Bangladesh.

My passion for research and data analysis led me to join the NSUHCI-DIAL lab, where I worked as a Data Scientist under the guidance of Prof. Nova Ahmed. Our lab is involved in the project "আলোর আকাশ" (Intersection of Gender and Technology in Bangladesh), generously funded by the Gates Foundation. In this role, I focus on visualization and representation aspects to enhance the analysis of collected data, including sentiment analysis and emotion analysis. Additionally, I contribute to the literature review of the data, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope. Moreover, I worked on two funded research projects- CTRG and a collaborative project between NSU and UIU.  

As a highly motivated researcher and data analyst, I possess a strong determination to excel in my field. I thrive on learning new procedures and thrive in a professional environment. My research interests span across various areas, including Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). My ultimate aim is to leverage these disciplines to make a positive impact on people's lives through my research endeavours.

Throughout my academic journey, I have completed numerous projects utilizing a diverse range of programming languages such as C, C++, and Python. I have also gained a foundational knowledge of SQL and PHP. You can explore some of these projects on my GitHub account, where I showcase my coding skills and problem-solving abilities.

Beyond academia and research, I have a vibrant range of hobbies and interests. Music, photography, and sports like cricket, ping pong, and badminton are some of the activities I enjoy in my leisure time. These pursuits provide me with a well-rounded perspective and fuel my creativity.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you find my work and interests engaging. Feel free to reach out to me for any collaborations, discussions, or simply to connect. Let's embark on a journey of knowledge and innovation together!

Best regards, 

Tanvir Hasan

Updated News:

11/01/24->" Investigating Rhythmicity in App Usage to Predict Depressive Symptoms: Protocol For a Personalized Framework Development and Validation Through a Countrywide Study" got accepted at JMIR Research Protocols. 

14/11/23-> "NLP Based Emotions Analysis of the Marginalized  Communities of Bangladesh" paper got accepted at 26th ICCIT Bangladesh. [Will be available at IEEE Xplore]

1/9/2023-> Received NSU-UIU grant to conduct research Assessing Depression and Loneliness in Real-Time Through XAI. 

1/1/2023-> Received NSU CTRG grant (Project Number 32.) to conduct research. 

24/11/22-> Got the travel grant also to attend  ACM SIGCHI Symposium for HCI and Friends. 

20/11/22-> Got the registration grant to attend ACM SIGCHI Symposium for HCI and Friends. 

30/10/22-> One paper got accepted at PervasiveHealth'22 . I was a co-author of the paper. 

13/4/22-> Presented "Understand The  Mental Health of Physically Challenged And General People through Statistical And Machine Learning Approachin ASIAN CHI                           2022.

18/03/22-> Got Acceptance Notification from ASIAN CHI 2022.

25/02/22-> Submitted a paper at ASIAN CHI 2022.

30/06/21-> Completed Undergraduate Thesis defense.  

 27/07/20-> Paper got accepted in Proceedings of UbiComp-ISWC '20 Adjunct. [Link] 

23/03/19-> Paper was presented at "ACM SIGCHI Summer School 2020[Link] 

Current Activity: