Welcome To My Portfolio

This Is Tanvir Ahmed. I am android developer based on Bangladesh . I have 5+ years of Experience on different Types of Projects For giants Company Of Bangladesh.

Contact me: Tanvr3488@gmail.com

 Phone: +8801945936934


Android Development

Experience(5+ years)

Total project done 20+

Android  , java  ,xml  ,mvvm ,SQLite Room ,MySQL

Retrofit, Volley ,JSON ,C , Kotlin ,Jetpack Library, Paging,

 navigation graph, Compose , Hilt

Cross Platform(Android & IOS Both App)

Experience(1.5+ years)

Total project done 1


Web Development

Experience(1+ years)

Total project done 5

PHP, Html , Css (basic)

Laravel , vue js, codeigniter, Rest api


Experience(2.5+ years)

Total project done 10+

Adobe Photoshop , Illustrator (basic for UI design),Figma,XD


Tanvir Ahmed

Sr. Programmer 

Aamra Technology Limited

Phone & whatsApp: +8801945936934

email: tanvir3488@gmail.com

Organization I Worked For

Some Well Known Companies in Bangladesh

Banglalink Digital Communication Limited 



খাদ্য অধিদপ্তর

জয়িতা ফাউন্ডেশন

BGB School 



Hamko Group


 Project Preview

Last Project

Experience the future of payment methods with ekPass, the cutting-edge digital platform designed to revolutionize how you pay for public transportation and toll booth transactions. Say goodbye to the hassle of carrying physical cash or searching for exact change. ekPass enables you to make quick, secure, and contactless payments, ensuring a seamless journey every time.

App has Several features:

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , rest api , Bottom navigation, jetpack library , Data Binding , Hilt , Coroutines ,MVVM, Kotlin , xml,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc

All Web Project (Laravel)

Hamko Battery Management System

This Software is Used to manage Battery sell , their dealer , Retailers ,  Customer, Their battery Guaranty , Warranty , Issue warranty card , This is also a control panel of an android app that is only for  dealer , Retailers and service engineer , there is a report on sale , Search with battery serial number , Different Type of user like Branch , Service center . To manage them there is a super admin who can assign user a role. 

Technology used: Html , Css, JavaScript, vue js, Blade template. laravel as framework  


This Is A Payment Terminal Management System for Different banks.  Key Features are :

1. Monitor terminal Network Battery 

2. Update the terminal app version 

3. All types of parameter upload.

4. advertising tools 

5. grouping and template wise manage terminals

My project Of UI/UX 

City Bank Pos Application

All Flutter Project 

Joyeeta Apps

This App Is For Joyeeta Foundation's  Entrepreneur . To Send Notification's , File Manage , And  Training Program 

Technology used: Flutter ,Dart , Some 3rd party Packages 

All Android Project 

Experience the future of payment methods with ekPass, the cutting-edge digital platform designed to revolutionize how you pay for public transportation and toll booth transactions. Say goodbye to the hassle of carrying physical cash or searching for exact change. ekPass enables you to make quick, secure, and contactless payments, ensuring a seamless journey every time.

App has Several features:

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , rest api , Bottom navigation, jetpack library , Data Binding , Hilt , Coroutines ,MVVM, Kotlin , xml,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc

Pos App

This app only for pos for different  bank for card transection .

App has Several features:

Technology used: Socket ,ISO8583 , Java, butterknife , JAVA,Clean Architecture , xml, Dagger 2, third-party library , UI/UX design etc

This is very easy application for capturing HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment) related data from field force of Grameenphone stake holders. For real time input, reporting & monitoring this tool will be help to match Telenor HSSE & Sustainability expectation .

App has Several features:

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , rest api , Bottom navigation, jetpack library , Data Binding , Room Database, Hilt , Coroutines ,MVVM, Kotlin , xml,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc


This App use for LIC AGENT They can sell policy calculate EMI . can view his history , notice and state of client application 

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , fragment ,navgraph, xml, MVVM, third-party library , UI/UX design etc


This Application is made for Food Ministry to distribute grocery Item at low price then market To Public through the distributor . This app keep track selling amount and ensure same man can't take product twice. when people come to take product they have to give fingerprint if fingerprint do not match with today's customer data then that customer can take  .(my part was integrating fingerprint & matching mechanism)

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , Fingerprint matching, xml, MVVM, third-party library , UI/UX design etc


This app for Pharmacy OR Shop Owners They can buy product through this app and can payment monitor different offers there . aslo can view  delivery ,payment history , can add multiple outlet with one account etc

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , fragment ,navgraph, xml, MVVM, third-party library , UI/UX design etc

Learn Star

This app Is a educational App . There user can read MCQ & Creative Question With Ans . can give Exam , Challenge friend , Give Live Exam , Question Bank . 

Technology used: Kotlin , Xml ,  Retrofit , Json , Rest Api Calling , Data binging , MVVM,Dialuge , Html Parser , 

Track Your Car

This is a Car tracking App . this app use by banglalink to manage their car. App has Several features:

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , activity tracking ,wrok manager,service,geo fance,map sdk, direction,place autocompelete, rest api , Bottom navigation, jetpack library , Data Binding , Room Database , Coroutines ,MVVM, Kotlin , xml,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc

Pos Manager

This is a Pos Manager app User can monitor his sell , stock , purchase , cash in Out, Balance , and many more.

Technology used: Jitpack Compose, Hilt, kotlin ktor,State flow,Rest api, MVVM, Coroutine 

This is a Ecommerce App For Mobile Phone , & digital Gadgets . Full Mobile Specification Two Phone Specification Comparison , Product Search , Cart , Google Sign in 

Technology used: retrofit ,json parsing , deep linking ,fragment , rest api , Bottom navigation, jetpack library , Data Binding , Room Database, navigation Graph , Coroutines ,MVVM, Kotlin , xml,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc

Service Management

This app was for rangs group to monitor there service engineers . in this app user can give attendance , view there assign task , update task status , recognition for parts if need any replacement, can transfer there task to other engineer . the also can view daily target & achievement

Technology used: volly, json parsing ,third-party library , location ,MVVM ,multiple Image upload  rest api, location ,etc

Bar Code Scanner

This is a normal bar code scanner with some advantage , user use this for scan mobile phone ime , they can copy multiple scan history together or can modify scan data , there is a scan history with date filtering

Technology used: third party lib , room db custom widgets

B Music 

A music Player For paid user , this app media files are encrypted with aes encryption . that's why user can't play music without this player this is maintain for drm .

Technology used: retrofit , xml parsing , fragment , rest api , encryption , media services , drm , java , xml,MVVM,  third-party library , UI/UX design etc

Demo App for Police

For managing and communicating with each others, this is my academic project from my own idea , try to use all kind of widgets & api communications

Technology used: volly, json parsing ,third-party library , map,  rest api, location ,etc

Quiz Bazz

Playing Quiz on different subjects, larder board, rules can view right Ans , quiz policy earn point dashboard etc.

Technology used: Own library, json parsing ,  java ,MVVM, xml ,image upload with sftp ,third-party library, UI/UX design etc

My Tutor

For teacher to manage his private student , create batch , student attendance , payments, notify students through email & sms , personal cost management & some reposts . this app is full offline , database backup available though sftp file transfer technology , no data loose.

Technology used: Sqlite database ,  java , xml ,database back up upload with sftp ,third-party library ,user validation checking , MVVM, user expiration set, Volley, restfull api ,  UI/UX design etc

play quiz earn money withdraw , coupon  redeem , location tracking , restricted vpn connection , picture quiz , point add, 5 platform add showing  , user tree maintain.

Technology used: Own library, json parsing ,  java , location phycsical & ip loaction ,xml , unity , admobe, ironsource,MVVM, adcolony ,third-party library,aploving , UI/UX design etc


SR App   

This App used to create memo , outlet create with image , market , route, order , invoice , memo , Thermal print with otg , & different types of reports,  bonus policy implementation ,This app used By  smc Enterprise  for there sales Representative (SR) (offline Sales rest options are online ) . 

Technology used: Own library, json parsing ,  java , sqlite , otg theramal printer,MVVM, xml ,third-party library, image upload with ftp , UI/UX design etc

Sales Force (SMC)

This App used to create memo , deposits , credit collection , doctor visit ,session create , db backup ,stock management,  different type of product pricing . bonus policy implementation, Thermal print with Bluetooth, & different types of reports,  This app used By  smc Enterprise for there sales Officers (SO)  (Offline app )  It has Sync Ability to push data in server

Technology used: Own library, json parsing ,  java , sqlite ,MVVM, Bluetooth thermal printer, xml , many reports creation. UI/UX design etc


Adaptive Video Streaming 

This Is only demo player for adaptive Video Streaming with google Exo player Used by YouTube . Streaming  from Hls FIle. 

Technology used:  Java , xml, exo player , HlS media playing , datameter etc

This App Is e-commerce type app . there is sever products under several brand, despite bank branch, push notification ,  cart , product price calculations

Technology used: retrofit , json parsing ,  java , sqlite , xml ,MVVM, third-party library , UI/UX design etc.


This is a Student information management  App For BGB School. Student Can know their Routine, Notice ,Result , attendance information, payment details, Important Notes , book list etc

Technology used: Volley, json parsing ,  java , Graph & chart , Navigation Drawer , MVVM,Youtube video player ,UI/UX design etc

This is a game with reward , puzzle game word making there are some level . Quiz game Googli this is a tricky quiz game , daily quiz & question bank available 

Technology used: Own library, json parsing , MVVM, java , dynamic view creation  UI/UX design etc

This Is For kid To introduce kids with  Bengali latter's by voice , there is some game to identify letters ,numbers some poem and also writing practice available 

Technology used: Canvas , Media player , MVVM, java , darag drop , xml , UI/UX design etc


Duration : July 2017-present

Position : Sr. Software Engineer (Android Developer)


Duration : September 2018 - Present 

As Android Developer


Mobile Application Content On Social media

SMS GetWay

Field Force Sales Managent

Veichel Managment

My skills On android

Ui/UX design Implementation

Different type of material menu



android architecture component

map sdk

Realtime location tracing

Media encryption


Sqlite , Room db

Content Provider

Broadcast receiver

Adaptive Video Stemming 


Recycle View , ListView

Json Parsing , Xml Parsing , Retrofit & volley

Push notification

Social Media login 

Ads platforms integration admob, facebook , adcolony , apploving , unity , ironsource , tapjoy 

Application Available in Play Store

Embeded System

University Project of Home Automation 

with arduino uno