
Journal Article

1. Mirdha L, Sengupta T, Chakraborty H. Lipid composition dependent binding of Apolipoprotein E signal peptide: importance of membrane cholesterol in protein trafficking. Biophysical Chemistry. Available online 4th October 2022, 106907.

2. Sengupta T, Majumder R, Majumder S. Role of vitamin D in treating COVID-19- associated coagulopathy: problems and perspectives. Mol Cell Biochem. 2021, 18 Feb,

3. Chellam Gayathri S, Gupta S, Suresh S, Senapati S, Sengupta T. Effect of variations in the conserved residues E371 and S359 on the structural dynamics of protein Z dependent protease inhibitor (ZPI): a molecular dynamic simulation study. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2021, 8 Feb,

4. Sengupta T, Koklic T, Lentz BR, Majumder R. Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine regulate the structure and function of FVIIa and its interaction with soluble tissue factor. Biosc Reports. 2021, 41 (2): BSR20204077.

5. Chatterjee S, Sengupta T, Majumder S, Majumder R. COVID 19: A Probable Role of the Anticoagulant Protein S in Managing COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy. Aging. 2020, 12, 15954-61.

6. Sengupta T, Manoj N. Phosphatidylserine and Phosphatidylethanolamine Bind to Protein Z cooperatively and with Equal Affinity. PLoS One. 2016, 11(9), e0161896

7. Chakraborty H, Sengupta T, Lentz BR. pH Alters PEG-mediated Fusion of Phosphatidyl ethanolamine-Containing Vesicles. Biophys J. 2014, 107(6), 1327-38.

8. Sengupta T, Chakraborty H, Barry R. Lentz.The Transmembrane Domain Peptide of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Promotes Both Intermediate and Pore Formation during PEG-mediated Vesicle Fusion. Biophys J. 2014, 107(6), 1318-26.

9. Majumder R, Koklic T, Sengupta T, Cole D, ChattopadhyayR, Biswas S, Monroe D and Barry R. Lentz. Soluble Phosphatidylserine Binds to Two Sites on Human Factor IXa in a Ca2+ Dependent Fashion toSpecifically Regulate Structure and Activity. PLoS One.2014, 9(6).

10. Chattopadhyay R, Sengupta T, Majumder R. Inhibition of Intrinsic Xase by Protein S - a novel regulatory role of Protein S independent of Activated Protein C. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular biology. 2012, 32(10), 2387-93. Chosen as a Cover page of that issue of the journal.

11. Chakraborty H, Tarafdar PK, Bruno MJ, Sengupta T, Lentz BR. Activation thermodynamics of poly(ethylene glycol)-mediated model membrane fusion Support mechanistic model of stalk and pore formation. Biophys J. 2012, 102(12), 2751-60.

12. Sengupta T, Tsutsui Y, Wintrode PL. Local and Global Effects of a Cavity Filling Mutation in a Metastable Serpin. Biochemistry. 2009, 48, 8233-8240.

13. Tsutsui Y, Kuri B, Sengupta T, Wintrode PL. The structural basis of serpin polymerization studied by hydrogen/ deuterium exchange and mass spectrometry.J Biol Chem. 2008, 283, 30804-11.

14. Sengupta T, Ghoshal S, Dungdung SR, Majumder GC, Sen PC. Structural and functional characterization and physiological significance of a stimulator protein of Mg2+-independent Ca2+-ATPase isolated from goat spermatozoa. Mol Cell Biochem. 2008, 311, 93-103.

15. Sengupta T, Ghoshal S, Sen PC. Stimulation of Mg2+- independent form of Ca2+-ATPase by a low molecular mass protein purified from goat testes cytosol.Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 2007, 146, 131-138.

16. Ghoshal S, Sengupta T, Dundung SR, Majumder GC, Sen PC.Characterization of a low-molecular-mass stimulator protein of Mg2+-independent Ca2+-ATPase: effect on phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, calcium transport and sperm-cell motility.Biosci Rep. 2008, 28, 61-71.

17. Ghoshal S, Sengupta T, Sen PC. Regulation of Mg2+- independent Ca2+-ATPase by a low molecular mass protein p urified from bovine brain. Biofactors. 2006,26, 259-271.

Poster Presentation

  1. Sengupta T, Chellam Gayathri S, Gupta S. Ca2+ and Zn2+ binding to human Protein Z (PZ) induces structural changes that augments its lipid binding. Poster presented in the ISTH (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) 2022 congress held in London, UK, 9-13 th July.

2. Sengupta T, Plautz W, Subhash CG, Manoj N, Majumder R. Zinc Binds and Regulates the Activity of the Natural Anticoagulant Protein Z. Poster presented in the ISTH (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) 2017 congress held in Berlin, Germany, 8-13 th July.

3. Sengupta T, Manoj N. Similar responses of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine towards cofactor activity of human protein Z. Poster presented in the ISTH ( International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) 2015 congress held in Toronto, Canada, 20-25th June.

4. Sengupta T, Barry R Lentz$. VSV Trans-membrane domain promotes content mixing early in the fusion process. Poster presented in the 54th Biophysical Society Meeting, 2010.

5. Sengupta T, Wintrode PL$. Folding mechanism of the Z mutant of human antitrypsin studied by H/D exchange. Poster presented in the 53rd Biophysical Society meeting, 2009.

6. Sengupta T, Tsutsui Y, Wintrode PL$. H/D exchange reveals the basis of activity deficiency in a mutant serpin. Poster presented in Gordon Research Conference (Biopolymers), 2008.