The Importance of Consciously Giving

Please click here to listen to Episode 12 of the Minutes on Growth Podcast

Hi everyone,

My name is Tannaz Hosseinpour and welcome to this week’s episode of Minutes on Growth. Last time we spoke about relationships and the importance of respecting our space and energy. This week I want to discuss energy at a universal level. Throughout the years as I’ve fundraised for various organizations, I’ve noticed that some people are hesitant to help causes that do not directly impact them or their communities. I want to take a moment and highlight the concept of collective consciousness. When someone for example in India is suffering either emotionally or physically, all citizens around the world are impacted by it, as that person’s consciousness is part of the universal consciousness. Think of the world as a rug, and every single person is a thread in that carpet. We may not notice it, but sufferings around the world place a heavy toll on the universe’s energy, which may have negative consequences both at a micro and macro level.

Knowing this, it is absolutely vital to show compassion, to take care of yourself, of your family, your community and of strangers worldwide; to use our words and actions as a tool of healing not hurting.

So seek ways to serve others. If you see someone whose emotionally distressed, give them a hug or offer a compassionate ear to listen. If you see someone who is financially struggling, see if you’re able to help them out or try and fund-raise for them. If you see someone who is depressed help them see their talents and how valuable their presence is. If you see someone feeling insecure, share a compliment. Help carry someone’s grocery bag or let them skip the checkout line if you sense they’re in a hurry. Use your extra time to volunteer or take out a friend who's been feeling down lately. Offer a hand to those overwhelmed at work or school. Use your social media to raise awareness for causes you are passionate about. Use your Instagram account to inspire not put down. Take a moment out of your day and message your loved ones. Motivate those around you to achieve greatness.

Do something good every day. and good will return to you. However, it is very important to be aware of the intentions behind your actions. It is important to authentically give – to help because you want to , and not because you feel obligated to or feel the need to impress society. If you do it for all the wrong reasons, you will end up feeling depleted and empty instead of full and enriched. Elevate from your core. Realize that these powerful words and actions you’ve chosen to honor have the power to change lives, to make the world into a better place.

We are all in this together.

As Oprah Winfrey quotes ” As Long as we play us and them game, we won’t evolve as people, as a nation, as a planet.” We’re all on the same team. In fact, we all go through ups and downs so what a wonderful feeling knowing that all the good you do today are stored in the universal bank of karma, and that when you least expect it but need it the most, it can help bring back miracles into your life.

We need to be open to helping others emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. Together, we can elevate the collective consciousness and restore everyone’s faith in humanity. It is easier to be bad or to be a pessimist. Let us show our strength by choosing to do good and to be optimistic about the people we share this planet with. Today pay it forward. Let us create a domino effect of kindness and compassion.

Thank you for listening, Talk to you soon.

Love & Light, Tannaz Hosseinpour